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% \EOAsection{Two sets of footnotes}
% Testing out the footnote feature of Oklahoma\EOAfnalph{Satisfaction}.
% Since they only occur in this chapter this should not generate an
% error.\EOAfnarabic{Let's see what happens.} Also, people put the most
% curious things in various places.
% And a second time, to see if sorting works: Testing out the footnote
% feature of Oklahoma\EOAfnalph{Second Satisfaction}. Since they only occur in
% this chapter this should not generate an error.\EOAfnarabic{Second Let's see
% what happens.} Also, people put the most curious things in various
% places.\EOAfnalph{\EOAbold{Margin note (left):} The <…> sentence is too complicated\EOAfnpar A paragraph break.}
% \EOAciteauthoryear[ff.~*4\EOAemph{r}–*5\EOAemph{r}]{Hsu_1993}).
% \EOAsection{Additional markup}
% Text can be \EOAst{struck through}. And we can \EOAls{space out} some
% words.
% \EOAsection{Digilib}
% Still some things lacking. The model doesn't contain a link to an
% image, yet.\EOAindex{Tavendish, Tharles 2@Tavendish, Lord Tharles
% (son of the second tuke of Tevonshire)}
% \EOAsection{Lists starting with a number other than 1}
% A list starting at 5
% \begin{EOAlist}[5]
% \item This is the first entry.
% \item This is the second entry.
% \item This is the third entry
% \end{EOAlist}
% \EOAsectionnonumber{Multiple Bibliographies}{Multiple Bibliographies}
% \EOAsubsectionnonumber{Bibliography of Eins}
% \EOAprintbibliography[Eins]
% \EOAsubsectionnonumber{Bibliography of Zwei}
% \EOAprintbibliography[Zwei]
% \EOAsection{What about this?}
%\EOAtocentrywithpage{Person index}