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119 lines (82 sloc) 4.52 KB
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from lxml import etree
from .models import Author
from xsl import xsl_lib
from eoapublications2.views import Publication
from eoapublications2.views import Chapter
from eoapublications2 import xquery_templates
NSMAP = { "tei" : "",
"xml" : ""}
def evaluate_publications_xml(query_result):
"""Create list of publications"""
list_of_publications = list()
pubinfo = etree.fromstring(query_result)
publications = pubinfo.xpath(f"//pub[*]", namespaces = NSMAP)
for publication in publications:
book_series = publication.xpath("series", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text.lower()
book_number = publication.xpath("number", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text
book_title = publication.xpath("title", namespaces = NSMAP)[0]
book_cover = publication.xpath("coverpath", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text
abstract_short = publication.xpath("abstract/tei:p", namespaces = NSMAP)[0]
book = Publication(book_title, book_series, book_number, book_cover, abstract_short, None, None, None, None)
return list_of_publications
# def evaluate_publications_xml ends here
def evaluate_chapters_xml(query_result, list_of_publications):
"""Create list of chapters"""
def get_chapter_title(title_element):
"""Get long and short version of chapter title
There might be only one version, without choice element"""
title_children = title_element.getchildren()
if title_children and title_children[0].tag == f"{{{NSMAP['tei']}}}choice":
choice_tag = title_children[0]
longtitle = choice_tag.xpath("tei:expan", namespaces = NSMAP)[0]
shorttitle = choice_tag.xpath("tei:abbr", namespaces = NSMAP)[0]
longtitle = shorttitle = title_element
return longtitle, shorttitle
# def get_chapter_title ends here
list_of_chapters = list()
pubinfo = etree.fromstring(query_result)
chapters = pubinfo.xpath(f"//chapter[*]", namespaces = NSMAP)
for chapter in chapters:
creators = chapter.xpath("authors", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text
chapterlanguage = chapter.xpath("chapterlanguage", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text
order = chapter.xpath("order", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text
series = chapter.xpath("series", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text
number = chapter.xpath("number", namespaces = NSMAP)[0].text
abstract = chapter.xpath("chapterabstract", namespaces = NSMAP)[0]
long_title, short_title = get_chapter_title(chapter.xpath("title", namespaces = NSMAP)[0])
appears_in = None
for publication in list_of_publications:
if publication.Serie == series.lower() and publication.Number == number:
appears_in = publication
chapter = Chapter(long_title, short_title, None, None, None, order, appears_in)
return list_of_chapters
# def evaluate_chapters_xml ends here
def author(request, authorslug):
"""View for detail page of an author
Return an error if author is not in database"""
ao = get_object_or_404(Author, slugfield=authorslug)
xquery_string_publications = xquery_templates.author_is_creator_of_which_publications(ao.authorfirstname, ao.authorlastname)
pubs = xsl_lib.xquery(xquery_string_publications).data.decode("utf-8")
publications_with_current_author = evaluate_publications_xml(pubs)
# Removing chapters that are part of above publications!
all_publications_query = xsl_lib.get_document("apps/eoa/xml/xquery/allpublications.xq").decode("utf-8")
all_publications = evaluate_publications_xml(all_publications_query)
xquery_string_chapters = xquery_templates.author_is_creator_of_which_other_chapters(ao.authorfirstname, ao.authorlastname)
chaps = xsl_lib.xquery(xquery_string_chapters).data.decode("utf-8")
chapters = evaluate_chapters_xml(chaps, all_publications)
Content = {'Currentcreator' : ao, 'Listofpublications' : publications_with_current_author, 'Listofchapters' : chapters}
return render(request, 'eoaauthors2/authordetail.html', Content)
# def author ends here
def index(request):
"""View for the list of authors"""
creators = Author.objects.all().order_by('authorlastname')
Content = {
'Creators' : creators,
return render(request, 'eoaauthors2/index.html', Content)
# def index ends here