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executable file 155 lines (114 sloc) 4.05 KB
%% PlotCodonUsage
clear variables
close all
%% read codon table
data = readCodonTable('codonTable_mouse_05Aug2017.txt');
%% read expression weights
wout = readExpressionWeights('mouseHippocampus_expressionWeights.txt');
%% read query list
list = readQueryList('list_kinase.txt');
%% intersect weights with transcripts
[symunq, ~, idx_unq] = unique(data.symbols);
[~, idx_fwd, idx_rev] = intersect(symunq, wout.symbols);
ww = zeros(max(idx_unq), 1);
ww(idx_fwd) = wout.weights(idx_rev);
ww = ww(idx_unq);
%% intersect kinases with transcripts
[symunq, ~, idx_unq] = unique(data.symbols);
[~, idx_fwd] = intersect(symunq, list.symbols);
idx_kinases = false(length(symunq), 1);
idx_kinases(idx_fwd) = true;
idx_kinases = idx_kinases(idx_unq);
%% calculate count table
counts = bsxfun(@times, data.counts, ww);
counts_total = sum(counts, 1);
w = zeros(length(counts_total), 1);
[~, ~, idx_group] = unique(data.lists.AA);
for g = 1 : max(idx_group)
%% calculate for the total
w_aa = counts_total(idx_group == g) ./ sum(counts_total(idx_group == g));
w(idx_group == g) = w_aa ./ max(w_aa);
cai = exp(sum(bsxfun(@times, counts, log(w')), 2) ./ (sum(counts, 2) - 1));
idx_base = ww > 0;
idx_query = strcmp(data.symbols, 'Eif2ak1');
[f_all, x_all] = ecdf(cai(idx_base));
[f_kin, x_kin] = ecdf(cai(idx_kinases & idx_base));
hold on;
plot(x_all, f_all, 'k', 'linewidth', 1.2);
plot(x_kin, f_kin, 'color', [30,144,255]./255, 'linewidth', 1.2);
hold off;
[N_all, E_all] = histcounts(cai(idx_base), 100);
[N_kin, E_kin] = histcounts(cai(idx_base & idx_kinases));
cai_query = mean(cai(idx_query));
cai_median = median(cai(idx_base));
cai_kinases = median(cai(idx_base & idx_kinases));
% inverse percentile
X = cai(idx_base);
Q = cai_query;
nless = sum(X < Q);
nequal = sum(X == Q);
centile = 100 * (nless + 0.5*nequal) / length(X);
hold on;
h(1) = plot(E_all(1:end-1), N_all./max(N_all),'k','linewidth',1.2);
%plot([cai_median, cai_median], [0, 1], 'k');
h(2) = plot(E_kin(1:end-1), N_kin./max(N_kin),'color',[30,144,255]./255,'linewidth',1.2);
%plot([cai_kinases, cai_kinases], [0, 1], 'color',[30,144,255]./255);
h(3) = plot([cai_query, cai_query],[0,1],'r','linewidth',1.2);
hold off;
hl = legend(h, sprintf('genes %d', length(unique(data.symbols(idx_base)))),...
sprintf('kinases %d',length(unique(data.symbols(idx_base & idx_kinases)))),...
title('Genes expressed in hippocampal slices','fontweight','normal','fontsize',14);
xlabel('codon adaptation index','fontsize',12);
ylabel('relative count', 'fontsize',12);
%% --- FUNCTIONS --- %%%
function out = readQueryList(file_name)
fh = fopen(file_name, 'r');
txt = textscan(fh, '%s %s', 'delimiter', '\t');
out.symbols = txt{1}; = txt{2};
function out = readExpressionWeights(file_name)
fh = fopen(file_name, 'r');
txt = textscan(fh, '%s %n', 'delimiter', '\t');
out.symbols = txt{1};
out.weights = (txt{2}.*1e6)./sum(txt{2});
idx_filter = out.weights < 2;
out.symbols(idx_filter) = [];
out.weights(idx_filter) = [];
function data = readCodonTable(file_name)
fmt_header = repmat({'%s'}, 66, 1);
fmt_header(1:2) = {'%*s'};
fmt_header = sprintf('%s ', fmt_header{:});
fmt_header(end) = [];
fmt_counts = repmat({'%n'}, 66, 1);
fmt_counts(1:2) = {'%s'};
fmt_counts = sprintf('%s ', fmt_counts{:});
fmt_counts(end) = [];
fh = fopen(file_name, 'r');
list_codons = textscan(fh, fmt_header, 1, 'delimiter', '\t');
list_aa = textscan(fh, fmt_header, 1, 'delimiter', '\t');
list_abr = textscan(fh, fmt_header, 1, 'delimiter', '\t');
txt = textscan(fh, fmt_counts, 'delimiter', '\t');
data.lists.codons = [list_codons{:}]';
data.lists.AA = [list_aa{:}]'; = [list_abr{:}]';
data.symbols = txt{1};
data.transcripts = txt{2};
data.counts = [txt{3:end}];