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# parseGenBankFile
# parse RNA/Protein GenBank file
# extracts symbol and RefSeq IDs information
# Input
# -gbk : GenBank compressed file as downloaded for NCBI
# -help : prints a help message
# Output
# tab-delimited table of RefSeq IDs, Official Symbols and
# records description
# Version 1.0
# Date Sep 2016
# Georgi Tushev
# Scientific Computing Facility
# Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research
# send bug reports to
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long();
sub parseGBKRecord($);
sub printInfo($);
sub usage($);
# main body
# query file name
my $gbk_file;
my $gbk_prot;
my $gbk_rna;
my $help;
# set-up input parameters
"gbk=s" => \$gbk_file,
"help" => \$help
) or usage("Error :: invalid command line options");
# default help output
usage("version 1.0, Sep 2016") if($help);
# check if genbank file is provided
usage("Error :: gz compressed GenBank is required") unless defined($gbk_file);
# record counter
my $counter = 0;
# open file to read
open(my $fh, "gzcat $gbk_file |") or die("Can't open $gbk_file to read!\n");
# record separator
local $/ = "//\n";
# print header line
print "#Symbol\tRefSeqID\tRefSeqRef\tEntrezID\tGI\tLength\tOrganism\tDescription\n";
# loop through each record
while(my $record = <$fh>)
# remove new line
# parse GBK record
my $info = parseGBKRecord($record);
# print result
# increment record counter
#print $record,"\n";
print STDERR $counter,"\n";
### --- SUBROUTINES --- ###
sub parseGBKRecord($)
# get locally a record
my $record = $_[0];
# parse features
my $symbol = ($record =~ m/\/gene=\"(.+)\"/) ? $1 : "<symbol>";
my $refseq_id = ($record =~ m/LOCUS\s+([ANXY][MPR]\_[0-9]+)/) ? $1 : "<refseq_id>";
my $entrez_id = ($record =~ m/\/db_xref=\"GeneID:([0-9]+)\"/) ? $1 : "<entrez_id>";
my $refseq_ref = ($record =~ m/\/protein_id=\"(?:.*)([ANXY][MRP]\_[0-9]+)/) ? $1 : "<refseq_ref>";
if ($refseq_ref eq "<refseq_ref>")
$refseq_ref = ($record =~ m/\/coded_by=\"(?:.*)([ANXY][MRP]\_[0-9]+)/) ? $1 : "<refseq_ref>";
my $gi_prot = ($record =~ m/GI\:([0-9]+)/) ? $1 : "<gi_prot>";
my $organism = ($record =~ m/ORGANISM\s+(.+)\n/) ? $1 : "<organism>";
my $length = ($record =~ m/LOCUS\s+[ANXY][MPR]\_[0-9]+\s+([0-9]+)\s/) ? $1 : "<length>";
my $description = ($record =~ m/DEFINITION\s+(.+)ACCESSION/s) ? $1 : "<description>";
# clean description
$description =~ s/\n//g;
$description =~ s/ +/ /g;
$description =~ s/ \[$organism\]\.//g;
$description =~ s/\s?$organism//g;
# Return result
return [$symbol, $refseq_id, $refseq_ref, $entrez_id, $gi_prot, $length, $organism, $description];
sub printInfo($)
my $info_ref = shift;
my $info_siz = scalar(@{$info_ref});
for(my $k = 0; $k < $info_siz; $k++)
print $info_ref->[$k],"\t" if ($k < ($info_siz - 1));
print $info_ref->[$k],"\n" if ($k == ($info_siz - 1));
sub usage($)
my $message = $_[0];
if (defined $message && length $message)
$message .= "\n" unless($message =~ /\n$/);
my $command = $0;
$command =~ s#^.*/##;
print STDERR (
"usage: $command -gbk genebank_file.gbk.gz\n" .
"description: parse RNA/Protein GenBank file and extracts symbol and RefSeq IDs information\n" .
"parameters:\n" .
"-gbk\n" .
"\tGZIP compressed GenBank file as downloaded from NCBI\n" .
"-help\n" .
"\tdefine usage\n"