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executable file 233 lines (197 sloc) 6.63 KB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of the GNU C Library.
# Contributed by Andreas Jaeger <>, 1999.
# The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
# <>.
# Information about tests are stored in: %results
# $results{$test}{"type"} is the result type, e.g. normal or complex.
# In the following description $platform, $type and $float are:
# - $platform is the used platform
# - $type is either "normal", "real" (for the real part of a complex number)
# or "imag" (for the imaginary part # of a complex number).
# - $float is either of float, ifloat, double, idouble, ldouble, ildouble;
# It represents the underlying floating point type (float, double or long
# double) and if inline functions (the leading i stands for inline)
# are used.
# $results{$test}{$platform}{$type}{$float} is defined and has a delta
# or 'fail' as value.
use File::Find;
use strict;
use vars qw ($sources @platforms %pplatforms);
use vars qw (%results @all_floats %suffices @all_functions);
# all_floats is in output order and contains all recognised float types that
# we're going to output
@all_floats = ('float', 'double', 'ldouble');
%suffices =
( 'float' => 'f',
'double' => '',
'ldouble' => 'l'
# Pretty description of platform
%pplatforms =
( "i386/fpu" => "ix86",
"generic" => "Generic",
"alpha/fpu" => "Alpha",
"ia64/fpu" => "IA64",
"m68k/fpu" => "M68k",
"mips/fpu" => "MIPS",
"powerpc/fpu" => "PowerPC",
"sparc/sparc32/fpu" => "Sparc 32-bit",
"sparc/sparc64/fpu" => "Sparc 64-bit",
"sh/sh4/fpu" => "SH4",
"s390/fpu" => "S/390",
"arm" => "ARM"
@all_functions =
( "acos", "acosh", "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atanh",
"atan2", "cabs", "cacos", "cacosh", "carg", "casin", "casinh",
"catan", "catanh", "cbrt", "ccos", "ccosh", "ceil", "cexp", "cimag",
"clog", "clog10", "conj", "copysign", "cos", "cosh", "cpow", "cproj",
"creal", "csin", "csinh", "csqrt", "ctan", "ctanh", "erf", "erfc",
"exp", "exp10", "exp2", "expm1", "fabs", "fdim", "floor", "fma",
"fmax", "fmin", "fmod", "frexp", "gamma", "hypot",
"ilogb", "j0", "j1", "jn", "lgamma", "lrint",
"llrint", "log", "log10", "log1p", "log2", "logb", "lround",
"llround", "modf", "nearbyint", "nextafter", "nexttoward", "pow",
"remainder", "remquo", "rint", "round", "scalb", "scalbn", "scalbln",
"sin", "sincos", "sinh", "sqrt", "tan", "tanh", "tgamma",
"trunc", "y0", "y1", "yn" );
# fpclassify, isnormal, isfinite, isinf, isnan, issignaling, signbit,
# isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, isunordered
# are not tabulated.
if ($#ARGV == 0) {
$sources = $ARGV[0];
} else {
$sources = '/usr/src/cvs/libc';
find (\&find_files, $sources);
@platforms = sort by_platforms @platforms;
sub find_files {
if ($_ eq 'libm-test-ulps') {
# print "Parsing $File::Find::name\n";
push @platforms, $File::Find::dir;
&parse_ulps ($File::Find::name, $File::Find::dir);
# Parse ulps file
sub parse_ulps {
my ($file, $platform) = @_;
my ($test, $type, $float, $eps);
# $type has the following values:
# "normal": No complex variable
# "real": Real part of complex result
# "imag": Imaginary part of complex result
open ULP, $file or die ("Can't open $file: $!");
while (<ULP>) {
# ignore comments and empty lines
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
if (/^Function: /) {
if (/Real part of/) {
s/Real part of //;
$type = 'real';
} elsif (/Imaginary part of/) {
s/Imaginary part of //;
$type = 'imag';
} else {
$type = 'normal';
($test) = ($_ =~ /^Function:\s*\"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\"/);
if (/^i?(float|double|ldouble):/) {
($float, $eps) = split /\s*:\s*/,$_,2;
if ($eps eq 'fail') {
$results{$test}{$platform}{$type}{$float} = 'fail';
} elsif ($eps eq "0") {
# ignore
} elsif (!exists $results{$test}{$platform}{$type}{$float}
|| $results{$test}{$platform}{$type}{$float} ne 'fail') {
$results{$test}{$platform}{$type}{$float} = $eps;
if ($type =~ /^real|imag$/) {
$results{$test}{'type'} = 'complex';
} elsif ($type eq 'normal') {
$results{$test}{'type'} = 'normal';
print "Skipping unknown entry: `$_'\n";
close ULP;
sub get_value {
my ($fct, $platform, $type, $float) = @_;
return (exists $results{$fct}{$platform}{$type}{$float}
? $results{$fct}{$platform}{$type}{$float} : "0");
sub canonicalize_platform {
my ($platform) = @_;
$platform =~ s|^(.*/sysdeps/)||;
return exists $pplatforms{$platform} ? $pplatforms{$platform} : $platform;
sub print_platforms {
my (@p) = @_;
my ($fct, $platform, $float, $first, $i, $platform_no, $platform_total);
print '@multitable {nexttowardf} ';
foreach (@p) {
print ' {1000 + i 1000}';
print "\n";
print '@item Function ';
foreach (@p) {
print ' @tab ';
print &canonicalize_platform ($_);
print "\n";
foreach $fct (@all_functions) {
foreach $float (@all_floats) {
print "\@item $fct$suffices{$float} ";
foreach $platform (@p) {
print ' @tab ';
if (exists $results{$fct}{$platform}{'normal'}{$float}
|| exists $results{$fct}{$platform}{'real'}{$float}
|| exists $results{$fct}{$platform}{'imag'}{$float}) {
if ($results{$fct}{'type'} eq 'complex') {
print &get_value ($fct, $platform, 'real', $float),
' + i ', &get_value ($fct, $platform, 'imag', $float);
} else {
print $results{$fct}{$platform}{'normal'}{$float};
} else {
print '-';
print "\n";
print "\@end multitable\n";
sub print_all {
my ($i, $max);
my ($columns) = 5;
# Print only 5 platforms at a time.
for ($i=0; $i < $#platforms; $i+=$columns) {
$max = $i+$columns-1 > $#platforms ? $#platforms : $i+$columns-1;
print_platforms (@platforms[$i .. $max]);
sub by_platforms {
my ($pa, $pb);
$pa = $pplatforms{$a} ? $pplatforms{$a} : $a;
$pb = $pplatforms{$b} ? $pplatforms{$b} : $b;
return $pa cmp $pb;