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executable file 139 lines (126 sloc) 3.01 KB
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Generate sorted list of directories. The sorting is stable but with
# dependencies between directories resolved by moving dependees in front.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Written by Ulrich Drepper <>, 1998.
cnt = split(subdirs, all) + 1
dnt = 0
# Let input files have comments.
{ sub(/[ ]*#.*$/, "") }
NF == 0 { next }
subdir = type = FILENAME;
sub(/^.*\//, "", type);
sub(/\/[^/]+$/, "", subdir);
sub(/^.*\//, "", subdir);
thisdir = "";
type == "Depend" && NF == 1 {
from[dnt] = subdir;
to[dnt] = $1;
type == "Subdirs" && NF == 1 { thisdir = $1 }
type == "Subdirs" && NF == 2 && $1 == "first" {
thisdir = $2;
# Make the first dir in the list depend on this one.
from[dnt] = all[1];
to[dnt] = thisdir;
type == "Subdirs" && NF == 2 && $1 == "inhibit" {
inhibit[$2] = subdir;
type == "Subdirs" && thisdir {
all[cnt++] = thisdir;
if (FILENAME ~ (srcpfx ? /^\.\.\/sysdeps\// : /^sysdeps\//) \
|| system("test -d " srcpfx thisdir) == 0) {
# This Subdirs file is in the main source tree,
# or this subdirectory exists in the main source tree.
this_srcdir = srcpfx thisdir
else {
# The Subdirs file comes from an add-on that should have the subdirectory.
sub(/\/[^/]+$/, "", dir);
while (dir !~ /\/sysdeps$/);
sub(/\/sysdeps$/, "", dir);
if (system("test -d " dir "/" thisdir) == 0)
dir = dir "/" thisdir;
else {
sub(/\/[^/]+$/, "", dir);
if (system("test -d " dir "/" thisdir) == 0)
dir = dir "/" thisdir;
else {
print FILENAME ":" FNR ":", "cannot find", thisdir > "/dev/stderr";
exit 2
file = dir "/Depend";
if (srcpfx)
sub(/^\.\.\//, "", dir);
if (dir !~ /^\/.*$/)
dir = "$(..)" dir;
print thisdir "-srcdir", ":=", dir;
file = this_srcdir "/Depend";
if (system("test -f " file) == 0) {
ARGV[ARGC++] = file;
# Emit a dependency on the implicitly-read file.
if (srcpfx)
sub(/^\.\.\//, "", file);
if (file !~ /^\/.*$/)
file = "$(..)" file;
print "$(common-objpfx)sysd-sorted:", "$(wildcard", file ")";
print FILENAME ":" FNR ":", "what type of file is this?" > "/dev/stderr";
exit 2
do {
moved = 0
for (i = 0; i < dnt; ++i) {
for (j = 1; j < cnt; ++j) {
if (all[j] == from[i]) {
for (k = j + 1; k < cnt; ++k) {
if (all[k] == to[i]) {
if (k < cnt) {
for (l = k - 1; l >= j; --l) {
all[l + 1] = all[l]
all[j] = to[i]
if (j < cnt) {
moved = 1
} while (moved);
# Make sure we list "elf" last.
saw_elf = 0;
printf "sorted-subdirs :=";
for (i = 1; i < cnt; ++i) {
if (all[i] in inhibit)
if (all[i] == "elf")
saw_elf = 1;
printf " %s", all[i];
printf "%s\n", saw_elf ? " elf" : "";
print "sysd-sorted-done := t"