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/* My bet is this was written by Chris Torek.
I reformatted and ansidecl-ized it, and tweaked it a little. */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
struct ltest
const char *str; /* Convert this. */
unsigned long long int expect; /* To get this. */
int base; /* Use this base. */
char left; /* With this left over. */
int err; /* And this in errno. */
static const struct ltest tests[] =
/* First, signed numbers: */
/* simple... */
{"123", 123, 0, 0, 0},
{"+123", 123, 0, 0, 0},
{" 123", 123, 0, 0, 0},
{" 123 ", 123, 0, ' ', 0},
{" -17", -17, 0, 0, 0},
/* implicit base... */
{"0123", 0123, 0, 0, 0},
{"0123a", 0123, 0, 'a', 0},
{"01239", 0123, 0, '9', 0},
{"0x123", 0x123, 0, 0, 0},
{"-0x123", -0x123, 0, 0, 0},
{"0x0xc", 0, 0, 'x', 0},
{" +0x123fg", 0x123f, 0, 'g', 0},
/* explicit base... */
{"123", 0x123, 16, 0, 0},
{"0x123", 0x123, 16, 0, 0},
{"123", 0123, 8, 0, 0},
{"0123", 0123, 8, 0, 0},
{"0123", 123, 10, 0, 0},
{"0x123", 0, 10, 'x', 0},
/* case insensitivity... */
{"abcd", 0xabcd, 16, 0, 0},
{"AbCd", 0xabcd, 16, 0, 0},
{"0xABCD", 0xabcd, 16, 0, 0},
{"0Xabcd", 0xabcd, 16, 0, 0},
/* odd bases... */
{"0xyz", 33 * 35 + 34, 35, 'z', 0},
{"yz!", 34 * 36 + 35, 36, '!', 0},
{"-yz", -(34*36 + 35), 36, 0, 0},
{"GhI4", ((16*20 + 17)*20 + 18)*20 + 4, 20, 0, 0},
/* special case for the 32-bit version of strtoll,
from a ncftp configure test */
{"99000000001", 1000000000ll * 99ll + 1ll, 0, 0},
/* extremes... */
{"9223372036854775807", 9223372036854775807ll, 0, 0, 0},
{"9223372036854775808", 9223372036854775807ll, 0, 0, ERANGE},
{"922337203685477580777", 9223372036854775807ll, 0, 0, ERANGE},
{"9223372036854775810", 9223372036854775807ll, 0, 0, ERANGE},
{"-2147483648", -2147483648ll, 0, 0, 0},
{"-9223372036854775808", -9223372036854775807ll - 1, 0, 0, 0},
{"-9223372036854775809", -9223372036854775807ll - 1, 0, 0, ERANGE},
{"0x112233445566778899z", 9223372036854775807ll, 16, 'z', ERANGE},
{"0xFFFFFFFFFFFF00FF" , 9223372036854775807ll, 0, 0, ERANGE},
{NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* Then unsigned. */
{" 0", 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"0xffffffffg", 0xffffffff, 0, 'g', 0},
{"0xffffffffffffffffg", 0xffffffffffffffffull, 0, 'g', 0},
{"-0xfedcba987654321", 0xf0123456789abcdfull, 0, 0, 0},
{"0xf1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9", 0xffffffffffffffffull, 0, 0, ERANGE},
{"-0x123456789abcdef01", 0xffffffffffffffffull, 0, 0, ERANGE},
{NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* Prototypes for local functions. */
static void expand (char *dst, int c);
main (void)
register const struct ltest *lt;
char *ep;
int status = 0;
int save_errno;
for (lt = tests; lt->str != NULL; ++lt)
register long long int l;
errno = 0;
l = strtoll (lt->str, &ep, lt->base);
save_errno = errno;
printf ("strtoll(\"%s\", , %d) test %u",
lt->str, lt->base, (unsigned int) (lt - tests));
if (l == (long long int) lt->expect && *ep == lt->left
&& save_errno == lt->err)
if (l != (long long int) lt->expect)
printf(" returns %lld, expected %lld\n",
l, (long long int) lt->expect);
if (lt->left != *ep)
char exp1[5], exp2[5];
expand (exp1, *ep);
expand (exp2, lt->left);
printf (" leaves '%s', expected '%s'\n", exp1, exp2);
if (save_errno != lt->err)
printf (" errno %d (%s) instead of %d (%s)\n",
save_errno, strerror (save_errno),
lt->err, strerror (lt->err));
status = 1;
for (++lt; lt->str != NULL; lt++)
register unsigned long long int ul;
errno = 0;
ul = strtoull (lt->str, &ep, lt->base);
save_errno = errno;
printf ("strtoull(\"%s\", , %d) test %u",
lt->str, lt->base, (unsigned int) (lt - tests));
if (ul == lt->expect && *ep == lt->left && save_errno == lt->err)
puts ("\tBAD");
if (ul != lt->expect)
printf (" returns %llu, expected %llu\n",
ul, lt->expect);
if (lt->left != *ep)
char exp1[5], exp2[5];
expand (exp1, *ep);
expand (exp2, lt->left);
printf (" leaves '%s', expected '%s'\n", exp1, exp2);
if (save_errno != lt->err)
printf (" errno %d (%s) instead of %d (%s)\n",
save_errno, strerror (save_errno),
lt->err, strerror (lt->err));
status = 1;
return status ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
static void
expand (dst, c)
char *dst;
int c;
if (isprint (c))
dst[0] = c;
dst[1] = '\0';
(void) sprintf (dst, "%#.3o", (unsigned int) c);