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120 lines (104 sloc) 5.38 KB
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pysocialwatcher import watcherAPI
from pysocialwatcher.constants import TOKENS
import os
import re
#DEVICE_PLATFORMS = ['mobile', 'desktop']
def query_facebook_audience(access_token, user_id, query_file):
Build manual query and execute request.
access_token :: FB access token
user_id :: FB user ID
query_file :: JSON file containing query
response :: DataFrame with query response(s) => one response per row
watcher = watcherAPI()
if((access_token, user_id) not in TOKENS):
watcher.add_token_and_account_number(access_token, user_id)
## execute data collection
response = watcher.run_data_collection(query_file)
## clean up temporary dataframes
file_matcher = re.compile('dataframe_.*.csv')
tmp_files = filter(lambda f: is not None, os.listdir('.'))
for f in tmp_files:
## old hard code
## Lesvos ex-pats
# query_url = ("""
#{"age_max":65,"flexible_spec":[{"behaviors":[{"id":"6015559470583","name":"Ex-pats (All)"}]}],"geo_locations":{"custom_locations":[{"name":"(39.1382, 26.5054)","distance_unit":"kilometer","latitude":39.111615,"longitude":26.501907,"primary_city_id":871047,"radius":16,"region_id":4173,"country":"GR"}],"location_types":["home","recent"]},"facebook_positions":["feed"],"age_min":18,"device_platforms":["mobile","desktop"],"locales":[28],"publisher_platforms":["facebook"]}
# """%(user_id, access_token)).strip()
## old attempt to hard-code queries => bad idea!
# query_fixed = {}
# # replace lists with 0 element, long with int
# behavior_data = []
# for q_i in query['behavior']:
# q_fixed = q_i.copy()
# q_fixed['id'] = q_i['or'][0]
# del(q_fixed['or'])
# behavior_data.append(q_fixed)
# query_fixed['flexible_spec'] = [{"behaviors" : behavior_data}]
# query_fixed['age_min'] = AGE_MIN
# query_fixed['age_max'] = AGE_MAX
# if('ages_ranges' in query):
# if('age_min' in query['ages_ranges'][0]):
# query_fixed['age_min'] = query['age_ranges'][0]['min']
# if('age_max' in query['ages_ranges'][0]):
# query_fixed['age_max'] = query['age_ranges'][0]['max']
# query_fixed['genders'] = query['genders']
# query_fixed['facebook_positions'] = FACEBOOK_POSITIONS
# query_fixed['device_platforms'] = DEVICE_PLATFORMS
## TODO: geolocation
# update fixed query with remaining keys
# clean up leftovers
# query_fixed.update({k : query[k] for k in set(query.keys()) - set(query_fixed.keys())})
# del(query_fixed['behavior'])
# del(query_fixed['name'])
# del(query_fixed['ages_ranges'])
# query_fixed_str = json.dumps(query_fixed)
# query_url = ("""
# """%(user_id, access_token, query_fixed_str)).strip()
# behavior_str = ','.join(map(json.dumps, behavior_data))
# fix quotes
# behavior_str = behavior_str.replace("'", '"')
# int_fixer = re.compile("'(\d+)'")
# behavior_str = int_fixer.sub(r'\1', behavior_str)
# behavior_str = ','.join(map(lambda x: str({'id' : x['or'][0], 'name' : x['name']}), query['behavior']))
# behavior_str = json.dumps({k.replace('or','id') : v for k,v in query['behavior'].items()})
# query_url = ("""
#{"age_max":65,"flexible_spec":[{"behaviors":[%s]}],"geo_locations":{"custom_locations":[{"name":"(39.1382, 26.5054)","distance_unit":"kilometer","latitude":39.111615,"longitude":26.501907,"primary_city_id":871047,"radius":16,"region_id":4173,"country":"GR"}],"location_types":["home","recent"]},"facebook_positions":["feed"],"age_min":18,"device_platforms":["mobile","desktop"],"locales":[28],"publisher_platforms":["facebook"]}
# """%(user_id, access_token, behavior_str)).strip()
# print('query URL:\n%s'%(query_url))
# try:
# response = requests.get(query_url)
# except Exception, e:
# print('could not execute query because error %s'%(e))
return response
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--auth_file', default='data/facebook_auth_ingmar.csv')
parser.add_argument('--query_file', default='data/queries/newyork_expats.json')
parser.add_argument('--out_dir', default='data/')
args = parser.parse_args()
auth_file = args.auth_file
query_file = args.query_file
out_dir = args.out_dir
## set up watcher
watcher = watcherAPI()
# watcher.check_tokens_account_valid()
access_token, user_id = list(open(auth_file))[0].strip().split(',')
## test query
output = query_facebook_audience(access_token, user_id, query_file)
## write to file
if(not os.path.exists(out_dir)):
out_base = os.path.basename(query_file).replace('.json', '.tsv')
out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, out_base)
output.to_csv(out_file, sep='\t')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print(str(os.path.abspath('.')))