Salma Dilai

I am a guest within bioinformatics at the MPI-HLR, interested in the topic of Single cell.

I obtained my PhD degree in microbiology from the JLU in Gießen, where I demonstrated that FGF10/FGFR2b signaling on distal epithelial progenitor cells controls, through a comprehensive set of developmental genes, morphogenesis, and differentiation.

During my thesis, bioinformatics methods and applications attracted me, accordingly, I joined prof. Looso group at the MPI in order to intensify my knowledge on bioinformatics and to deepen my programming skills.

Within Prof. Looso group, I have worked on a project where I generated a web-based interactive dashboard for the visualization of results from digital genomics footprinting analysis on ATAC-seq datasets, which is configured to be served as a Docker based virtualized web-app that can be deployed to Kubernetes cloud frameworks.