A pipeline for generation of novel transcription factor motifs


DENIS (DE Novo motIf diScovery pipeline) is a pipeline constructing binding motifs for unknown transcription factors from ATAC-seq data

Transcription factors (TFs) are crucial epigenetic regulators, which enable cells to dynamically adjust gene expression in response to environmental signals. Computational procedures like digital genomic footprinting on chromatin accessibility assays such as ATACseq can be used to identify bound TFs in a genome-wide scale. This method utilizes short regions of low accessibility signals due to steric hindrance of DNA bound proteins, called footprints (FPs), which are combined with motif databases for TF identification. However, while over 1600 TFs have been described in the human genome, only ~ 700 of these have a known binding motif. Thus, a substantial number of FPs without overlap to a known DNA motif are normally discarded from FP analysis. In addition, the FP method is restricted to organisms with a substantial number of known TF motifs. Here we present DENIS (DE Novo motIf diScovery), a framework to generate and systematically investigate the potential of de novo TF motif discovery from FPs. DENIS includes functionality (1) to isolate FPs without binding motifs, (2) to perform de novo motif generation and (3) to characterize novel motifs.