A R based package for gRNA design


multicrispr² is a R based pacakge for designing gRNAs with the special feature of designing gRNA pairs intended for genomic excision.

The Crispr-Cas technology is widely used and became a standard procedure for genome editing. A more recent idea for utilizing the Crispr-Cas technology is to excise genomic regions by pairing two gRNAs around the region to be excised. multicrispr² provids the functionallty for a fast gRNA and especially a gRNA pair design. The design is kept simple but reliable to be able to design a variety of gRNA(s) (pairs) rapidly. To furhter increase runtime of the gRNA pair design, gRNAs are designed by recusivly increasing the target range around each given excision feature. If enough gRNAs are found to build the required amount of pairs for a target multicrispr² does not continue to design gRNAs for this specific target.

multicrispr² applies a number of filters on the gRNAs, some of which are filtering on off-targets, on-target score and GC content. The goal is to get a library ready list of gRNAs without further desining work required.