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188 lines (148 sloc) 7.98 KB
from planet import db, whooshee
from planet.models.relationships import sequence_go, sequence_interpro, sequence_family, sequence_coexpression_cluster
from planet.models.relationships import sequence_xref, sequence_sequence_ecc
from utils.sequence import translate
from utils.parser.fasta import Fasta
from sqlalchemy.orm import undefer
import operator
import sys
SQL_COLLATION = 'NOCASE' if == 'sqlite' else ''
class Sequence(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'sequences'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
species_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(50, collation=SQL_COLLATION), index=True)
description = db.Column(db.Text)
coding_sequence = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text))
type = db.Column(db.Enum('protein_coding', 'TE', 'RNA', name='sequence_type'), default='protein_coding')
is_mitochondrial = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
is_chloroplast = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
expression_profiles = db.relationship('ExpressionProfile', backref=db.backref('sequence', lazy='joined'),
cascade="all, delete-orphan",
network_nodes = db.relationship('ExpressionNetwork',
backref=db.backref('sequence', lazy='joined'),
cascade="all, delete-orphan",
# Other properties
# coexpression_cluster_associations declared in 'SequenceCoexpressionClusterAssociation'
# interpro_associations declared in 'SequenceInterproAssociation'
# go_associations declared in 'SequenceGOAssociation'
# family_associations declared in 'SequenceFamilyAssociation'
go_labels = db.relationship('GO', secondary=sequence_go, lazy='dynamic')
interpro_domains = db.relationship('Interpro', secondary=sequence_interpro, lazy='dynamic')
families = db.relationship('GeneFamily', secondary=sequence_family, lazy='dynamic')
coexpression_clusters = db.relationship('CoexpressionCluster', secondary=sequence_coexpression_cluster,
backref=db.backref('sequences', lazy='dynamic'),
ecc_query_associations = db.relationship('SequenceSequenceECCAssociation',
primaryjoin="SequenceSequenceECCAssociation.query_id ==",
backref=db.backref('query_sequence', lazy='joined'),
ecc_target_associations = db.relationship('SequenceSequenceECCAssociation',
primaryjoin="SequenceSequenceECCAssociation.target_id ==",
backref=db.backref('target_sequence', lazy='joined'),
clade_associations_one = db.relationship('SequenceSequenceCladeAssociation',
primaryjoin="SequenceSequenceCladeAssociation.sequence_one_id ==",
backref=db.backref('sequence_one', lazy='joined'),
clade_associations_two = db.relationship('SequenceSequenceCladeAssociation',
primaryjoin="SequenceSequenceCladeAssociation.sequence_two_id ==",
backref=db.backref('sequence_two', lazy='joined'),
xrefs = db.relationship('XRef', secondary=sequence_xref, lazy='joined')
def __init__(self, species_id, name, coding_sequence, type='protein_coding', is_chloroplast=False,
is_mitochondrial=False, description=None):
self.species_id = species_id = name
self.description = description
self.coding_sequence = coding_sequence
self.type = type
self.is_chloroplast = is_chloroplast
self.is_mitochondrial = is_mitochondrial
def protein_sequence(self):
Function to translate the coding sequence to the amino acid sequence. Will start at the first start codon and
break after adding a stop codon (indicated by '*')
:return: The amino acid sequence based on the coding sequence
return translate(self.coding_sequence)
def aliases(self):
Returns a readable string with the aliases or tokens stored for this sequence in the table xrefs
:return: human readable string with aliases or None
t = [ for x in self.xrefs if x.platform == 'token']
return ", ".join(t) if len(t) > 0 else None
def readable_type(self):
Converts the type table to a readable string
:return: string with readable version of the sequence type
conversion = {'protein_coding': 'protein coding',
'TE': 'transposable element',
'RNA': 'RNA'}
if self.type in conversion.keys():
return conversion[self.type]
return 'other'
def add_from_fasta(filename, species_id, compressed=False):
fasta_data = Fasta()
fasta_data.readfile(filename, compressed=compressed)
new_sequences = []
# Loop over sequences, sorted by name (key here) and add to db
for name, sequence in sorted(fasta_data.sequences.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)):
new_sequence = {"species_id": species_id,
"name": name,
"description": None,
"coding_sequence": sequence,
"type": "protein_coding",
"is_mitochondrial": False,
"is_chloroplast": False}
# add 400 sequences at the time, more can cause problems with some database engines
if len(new_sequences) > 400:
db.engine.execute(Sequence.__table__.insert(), new_sequences)
new_sequences = []
# add the last set of sequences
db.engine.execute(Sequence.__table__.insert(), new_sequences)
return len(fasta_data.sequences.keys())
def add_descriptions(filename, species_id):
sequences = Sequence.query.filter_by(species_id=species_id).all()
seq_dict = {}
for s in sequences:
seq_dict[] = s
with open(filename, "r") as f_in:
for i, line in enumerate(f_in):
name, description = line.strip().split('\t')
except ValueError:
print("Cannot parse line %d: \"%s\"" % (i, line), file=sys.stderr)
if name in seq_dict.keys():
seq_dict[name].description = description
if i % 400 == 0:
def export_cds(filename):
sequences = Sequence.query.options(undefer('coding_sequence')).all()
with open(filename, "w") as f_out:
for s in sequences:
print(">%s\n%s" % (, s.coding_sequence), file=f_out)
def export_protein(filename):
sequences = Sequence.query.options(undefer('coding_sequence')).all()
with open(filename, "w") as f_out:
for s in sequences:
print(">%s\n%s" % (, s.protein_sequence), file=f_out)