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308 lines (241 sloc) 11.4 KB
from conekt import db
from conekt.models.sequences import Sequence
from conekt.models.condition_tissue import ConditionTissue
import json
import contextlib
from collections import defaultdict
from statistics import mean
from math import log
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, undefer
from flask import flash
SQL_COLLATION = 'NOCASE' if == 'sqlite' else ''
class ExpressionProfile(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'expression_profiles'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
species_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True)
probe = db.Column(db.String(50, collation=SQL_COLLATION), index=True)
sequence_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True)
profile = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text))
specificities = db.relationship('ExpressionSpecificity',
backref=db.backref('profile', lazy='joined'),
cascade="all, delete-orphan",
def __init__(self, probe, sequence_id, profile):
self.probe = probe
self.sequence_id = sequence_id
self.profile = profile
def __profile_to_table(data):
Internal function to convert an expression profile (dict) to a tabular text
:param data: Dict with expression profile
:return: table (string)
output = [["condition", "mean", "min", "max"]]
order = data["order"]
for o in order:
values = data["data"][o]
except Exception as e:
return '\n'.join(['\t'.join(l) for l in output])
def table(self):
Returns the condition expression as a tabular text file
:return: table with data (string)
table = ExpressionProfile.__profile_to_table(json.loads(self.profile))
return table
def tissue_table(self, condition_tissue_id, use_means=True):
Returns the tissue expression as a tabular text file
:param condition_tissue_id: condition_tissue_id for the conversion
:param use_means: Use the mean of the condition (recommended)
:return: table with data (string)
table = ExpressionProfile.__profile_to_table(self.tissue_profile(condition_tissue_id,
return table
def low_abundance(self, cutoff=10):
Checks if the mean expression value in any conditions in the plot is higher than the desired cutoff
:param cutoff: cutoff for expression, default = 10
:return: True in case of low abundance otherwise False
data = json.loads(self.profile)
checks = [mean(v) > cutoff for _, v in data["data"].items()]
return not any(checks)
def convert_profile(condition_to_tissue, profile_data, use_means=True):
Convert a full, detailed profile into a more general summarized one using conversion table stored in the
:param condition_to_tissue: dict with conversion instructions
:param profile_data: profile to convert
:param use_means: use means of detailed condition if True otherwise use samples independently. Default True
:return: New profile
tissues = list(set(condition_to_tissue['conversion'].values()))
output = {}
for t in tissues:
valid_conditions = [k for k in profile_data['data'] if k in condition_to_tissue['conversion'] and condition_to_tissue['conversion'][k] == t]
valid_values = []
for k, v in profile_data['data'].items():
if k in valid_conditions:
if use_means:
valid_values += v
output[t] = valid_values if len(valid_values) > 0 else [0]
return {'order': condition_to_tissue['order'],
'colors': condition_to_tissue['colors'],
'data': output}
def tissue_profile(self, condition_tissue_id, use_means=True):
Applies a conversion to the profile, grouping several condition into one more general feature (e.g. tissue).
:param condition_tissue_id: identifier of the conversion table
:param use_means: store the mean of the condition rather than individual values. The matches the spm
calculations better.
:return: parsed profile
ct = ConditionTissue.query.get(condition_tissue_id)
condition_to_tissue = json.loads(
profile_data = json.loads(self.profile)
output = ExpressionProfile.convert_profile(condition_to_tissue, profile_data, use_means=use_means)
return output
def get_heatmap(species_id, probes, zlog=True, raw=False):
Returns a heatmap for a given species (species_id) and a list of probes. It returns a dict with 'order'
the order of the experiments and 'heatmap' another dict with the actual data. Data is zlog transformed
:param species_id: species id (internal database id)
:param probes: a list of probes to include in the heatmap
:param zlog: enable zlog transformation (otherwise normalization against highest expressed condition)
profiles = ExpressionProfile.query.options(undefer('profile')).filter_by(species_id=species_id).\
order = []
output = []
not_found = [p.lower() for p in probes]
for profile in profiles:
name = profile.probe
data = json.loads(profile.profile)
order = data['order']
experiments = data['data']
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
values = {}
for o in order:
values[o] = mean(experiments[o])
row_mean = mean(values.values())
row_max = max(values.values())
for o in order:
if zlog:
if row_mean == 0 or values[o] == 0:
values[o] = '-'
values[o] = log(values[o]/row_mean, 2)
if row_max != 0 and not raw:
values[o] = values[o]/row_max
output.append({"name": name,
"values": values,
"sequence_id": profile.sequence_id,
if len(not_found) > 0:
flash("Couldn't find profile for: %s" % ", ".join(not_found), "warning")
return {'order': order, 'heatmap_data': output}
def get_profiles(species_id, probes, limit=1000):
Gets the data for a set of probes (including the full profiles), a limit can be provided to avoid overly
long queries
:param species_id: internal id of the species
:param probes: probe names to fetch
:param limit: maximum number of probes to get
:return: List of ExpressionProfile objects including the full profiles
profiles = ExpressionProfile.query.\
return profiles
def add_profile_from_lstrap(matrix_file, annotation_file, species_id, order_color_file=None):
Function to convert an (normalized) expression matrix (lstrap output) into a profile
:param matrix_file: path to the expression matrix
:param annotation_file: path to the file assigning samples to conditions
:param species_id: internal id of the species
:param order_color_file: tab delimited file that contains the order and color of conditions
annotation = {}
with open(annotation_file, 'r') as fin:
# get rid of the header
_ = fin.readline()
for line in fin:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
if len(parts) > 1:
run, description = parts
annotation[run] = description
order, colors = [], []
if order_color_file is not None:
with open(order_color_file, 'r') as fin:
for line in fin:
o, c = line.strip().split('\t')
except Exception as _:
# build conversion table for sequences
sequences = Sequence.query.filter_by(species_id=species_id).all()
sequence_dict = {} # key = sequence name uppercase, value internal id
for s in sequences:
sequence_dict[] =
with open(matrix_file) as fin:
# read header
_, *colnames = fin.readline().rstrip().split()
colnames = [c.replace('.htseq', '') for c in colnames]
# determine order after annotation is not defined
if order is None:
order = []
for c in colnames:
if c in annotation.keys():
if annotation[c] not in order:
# read each line and build profile
new_probes = []
for line in fin:
transcript, *values = line.rstrip().split()
profile = defaultdict(list)
for c, v in zip(colnames, values):
if c in annotation.keys():
condition = annotation[c]
new_probe = {"species_id": species_id,
"probe": transcript,
"sequence_id": sequence_dict[transcript.upper()] if transcript.upper() in sequence_dict.keys() else None,
"profile": json.dumps({"order": order,
"colors": colors,
"data": profile})
if len(new_probes) > 400:
db.engine.execute(ExpressionProfile.__table__.insert(), new_probes)
new_probes = []
db.engine.execute(ExpressionProfile.__table__.insert(), new_probes)