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A set of functions designed to work with colors and shapes for websites
import hashlib
import math
# Shapes, only those in Cytoscape.js and Cytoscape desktop are included (XGMML export)
__SHAPES = ['rectangle', 'roundrectangle', 'ellipse', 'triangle',
'hexagon', 'octagon', 'diamond', 'vee', 'rhomboid']
# Nice colors
__COLORS = ["#993399", "#FFFF00", "#FF3300", "#7FFFD4", "#FFE4C4",
"#D2691E", "#A9A9A9", "#00BFFF", "#FFD700", "#008000",
"#ADFF2F", "#FF00FF"]
__COLORS_RGBA = ["rgba(153, 51, 153, 0.3)", "rgba(255, 255, 0,0.3)", "rgba(255, 51, 0, 0.3)",
"rgba(127, 255, 212, 0.3)", "rgba(255, 228, 196, 0.3)", "rgba(210, 105, 30, 0.3)",
"rgba(169, 169, 169, 0.2)", "rgba(0, 191, 255,0.3)", "rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.3)",
"rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.3)", "rgba(173, 255, 47, 0.3)", "rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.3)"]
def string_to_hex_color(input_string):
Takes any string, generates a pseudo-random color from it. Used to generate colors for e.g. families.
:param input_string: base string to generate a color from
:return: a semi random color in #fff format
hashed_string = hashlib.sha1(str(input_string).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
color = "#" + hashed_string[0:3].upper()
return color
def string_to_shape(input_string):
Takes any string and returns a pseudo-randomly selected shape
:param input_string: base string to generate the shape from
:return: shape name
hashed_string = hashlib.sha1(str(input_string).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
int_value = int(hashed_string[-2:].upper(), 16)
remapped_value = round(int_value*(len(__SHAPES)-1)/255)
return __SHAPES[remapped_value]
def iterative_grouper(ListOfListOfLabels, seed):
Takes a list of lists containing labels, and seed label.
Returns label co-occurrences for the seed label
aList = []
for i in ListOfListOfLabels:
if len(set(i) & set(seed)) > 0:
aList += i
if set(aList) == set(seed):
return set(aList) | set(seed)
return iterative_grouper(ListOfListOfLabels, set(aList) | set(seed))
def label_coocurrence(ListOfListOfLabels):
Takes a list of lists, which contains labels associated with a gene, e.g. [[domain 1, domain 2],[domain 2, domain 3],[domain 4],...]
Iteratively bins the labels into label co-occurrences
:param ListOfListOfLabels: List of lists
:return: list of label co-occurrenes: [[domain 1, domain 2, domain 3], [domain 4],...]
allFams = []
for i in ListOfListOfLabels:
allFams += i
allFams = list(set(allFams))
lc = []
while len(allFams) > 0:
founds = iterative_grouper(ListOfListOfLabels, [allFams[0]])
allFams = list(set(allFams)-set(founds))
return lc
def index_to_shape_and_color(index):
Returns a tuple (color, shape) from an index
:param index: integer number
:return: tuple (color, shape)
color_index = index % len(__COLORS)
shape_index = index // len(__COLORS)
shape_index = shape_index if shape_index < len(__SHAPES) else 0
return __COLORS[color_index], __SHAPES[shape_index]
def family_to_shape_and_color(input_dictionary):
Takes a dictionary, where key:gene ID, value: ["fam1", "fam2",...]
:param input_dictionary: dictionary of genes:families
:return: genes: [color,shape]
label_co_occurrences = label_coocurrence(input_dictionary.values())
label_to_shape_color, counter = {}, 0
if len(label_co_occurrences) <= (len(__SHAPES)*len(__COLORS)):
for shape in __SHAPES:
for color in __COLORS:
if counter < len(label_co_occurrences):
labels = ';'.join(map(str, label_co_occurrences[counter]))
for label in label_co_occurrences[counter]:
label_to_shape_color[label] = [shape, color, labels]
counter += 1
# if number of lc's is larger than product of available shapes and distinguishable colors
for shape in __SHAPES:
# determine how many colors per shape needs to be generated, rounded up
for j in range(math.ceil(len(label_co_occurrences)/float(len(__SHAPES)))):
if counter < len(label_co_occurrences):
hashed_string = hashlib.sha1(str(label_co_occurrences[counter][0]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
color = "#" + hashed_string[0:3].upper()
labels = ';'.join(map(str, label_co_occurrences[counter]))
for label in label_co_occurrences[counter]:
label_to_shape_color[label] = [shape, color, labels]
counter += 1
gene_2_color_shape = {}
for gene in input_dictionary:
if input_dictionary[gene] != set([]):
gene_2_color_shape[gene] = label_to_shape_color[list(input_dictionary[gene])[0]]
return gene_2_color_shape