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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
Assign xml:ids to various elements fo TEI file
__version__ = "1.0"
__date__ = "20181127"
__author__ = ""
import argparse
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from lxml import etree
from copy import deepcopy
import libeoaconvert
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=' %(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
ns_tei = ""
NS_MAP = {"t": ns_tei, "xml": ""}
def assign_ids(chapter_tree):
"""Assign xml:ids to various elements"""
chapter_id = (chapter_tree.attrib["{}id"])
logging.debug("The id of this chapter is %s", chapter_id)
footnotes = chapter_tree.xpath("//t:note[@place='bottom']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
footnote_id_counter = 1
for note in footnotes:
note_id = "{}_ftn{:03d}".format(chapter_id, footnote_id_counter)
note.set("n", str(footnote_id_counter))
libeoaconvert.assign_xml_id(note, note_id)
footnote_id_counter += 1
sections = chapter_tree.xpath("//t:div[@type='section']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
section_id_counter = 1
for section in sections:
if section.get("n") == "nonumber":"Leaving out unnumbered section.")
section_id = "{}_sec{:02d}".format(chapter_id, section_id_counter)
libeoaconvert.assign_xml_id(section, section_id)
section_id_counter += 1
subsections = chapter_tree.xpath("//t:div[@type='subsection']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
subsection_id_counter = 1
for subsection in subsections:
if subsection.get("n") == "nonumber":"Leaving out unnumbered subsection.")
section_element = subsection.getparent()
section_id = section_element.attrib["{}id"]
logging.debug("Found a subsection in section %s", section_id)
rest, section_number = section_id.split("_sec")
subsection_id = "{}_subsec{}-{:02d}".format(chapter_id, section_number, subsection_id_counter)
libeoaconvert.assign_xml_id(subsection, subsection_id)
subsection_id_counter += 1
figures = chapter_tree.xpath("//t:figure", namespaces=NS_MAP)
figure_id_counter = 1
for figure in figures:
figure_id = "{}_fig{:02d}".format(chapter_id, figure_id_counter)
libeoaconvert.assign_xml_id(figure, figure_id)
figure_id_counter += 1
tables = chapter_tree.xpath("//t:table", namespaces=NS_MAP)
table_id_counter = 1
for table in tables:
table_id = "{}_tab{:02d}".format(chapter_id, table_id_counter)
libeoaconvert.assign_xml_id(table, table_id)
table_id_counter += 1
# def assign_ids ends here
def main():
"""The main bit"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("teifile", help="TEI file")
args = parser.parse_args()
xml_tree = etree.parse(args.teifile)
chapters = xml_tree.xpath("//t:div[@type='chapter' and not(@n='nonumber')]", namespaces=NS_MAP)
logging.debug("Found %s chapters.", len(chapters))
# in this iteration, a copy is made of each chapter and fitted
# with ids, the original chapter is being discarded
for chapter in chapters:
copied_chapter = deepcopy(chapter)
chapter.tag = "elementtobestripped"
etree.strip_elements(xml_tree, "elementtobestripped")
libeoaconvert.write_appinfo(xml_tree, "id_assigner", __version__, "idassign", "Assign XML IDs to elements","%Y-%m-%d"))
output = args.teifile.replace(".xml", "-withids.xml")
xml_tree.write(output, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8")"Wrote %s." % output)
# def main ends here
if __name__ == '__main__':
# finis