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688 lines (534 sloc) 27 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
__version__ = "1.0"
__date__ = "20180116"
__author__ = ""
__doc__ = """A converter from TEI to Django."""
import os
import sys
import logging
import json
import subprocess
import pickle
import shlex
import configparser
from datetime import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from lxml import etree, objectify
from lxml.html import soupparser
# things to be done
# assign ids top to bottom for the following elements:
# div1 div2 div3 note item table EOAfigure EOAequation formula theorem
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=' %(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
ns_tei = ""
NS_MAP = {"t" : ns_tei}
TMP_DIR = os.path.expanduser("tmp_files")
CSL_FILE = "/Users/kthoden/EOAKram/dev/eoa-csl/eoa.csl"
OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.expanduser("CONVERT")
# this is duplicated from libeoaconvert
dictLangFootnotes = {"it" : "Note a piè pagina", "fr" : "notes en bas de page", "de" : "Fußnoten", "en" : "Footnotes"}
def get_publication_info(xml_tree):
"""Query the TEI document for metadata fields.
Return a dictionary"""
info_dict = {}
ns_tei = ""
ns_cc = ""
ns_rdf = ""
NS_MAP = {"t" : ns_tei, "c" : ns_cc, "r" : ns_rdf}
def get_field(xml_tree, query_path, mandatory=False, findall=False):
"""Query XML for metadata fields.
Default behaviour is if it fails, move on, if mandatory is set
to True, exit the program
if findall is True:
find_several = xml_tree.findall(query_path, namespaces=NS_MAP)
if len(find_several) == 1:
return_string = [find_several[0].text]
return_string = [x.text for x in find_several]
tmp_field = xml_tree.xpath(query_path, namespaces=NS_MAP)
if len(tmp_field) > 0:
return_string = tmp_field[0]
if mandatory is True:
sys.exit("Field stored in %s is mandatory. Exiting." % query_path)
return_string = ""
return return_string
# def get_field ends here
# Mandatory values (according to database schema)
info_dict['eoa_publicationdate'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:publicationStmt/t:date/@when", mandatory=True)
info_dict['eoa_language'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:profileDesc/t:langUsage/t:language/@ident", mandatory=True)
info_dict['eoa_license'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:publicationStmt/t:availability/t:licence/text()", mandatory=True)
info_dict['eoa_number'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:title[@level='s']/@n", mandatory=True)
info_dict['eoa_series'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:title[@level='s']/text()", mandatory=True)
info_dict['eoa_title'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:title[@type='main']/text()", mandatory=True)
# Optional (according to database schema)
info_dict['eoa_subtitle'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:title[@type='sub']/text()")
info_dict['eoa_isbn'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:publicationStmt/t:idno[@type='ISBN']/text()")
info_dict['eoa_price'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:extent/t:measure[@unit='EUR']/@quantity")
info_dict['eoa_shoplink_url'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:publicationStmt/t:distributor/@xml:base")
info_dict['eoa_shoplink_id'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:publicationStmt/t:distributor/@xml:id")
info_dict['eoa_shoplink_text'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:publicationStmt/t:distributor/text()")
info_dict['eoa_brief_desc'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:sourceDesc/t:ab[@type='BriefDescription']/text()")
info_dict['eoa_detail_desc'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:sourceDesc/t:ab[@type='DetailedDescription']/text()")
info_dict['eoa_additional_info'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:sourceDesc/t:ab[@type='additionalinformation']/text()")
info_dict['eoa_dedication'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:sourceDesc/t:ab[@type='dedication']/text()")
info_dict['eoa_submitters'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:editor[@role='submitter']", findall=True)
info_dict['eoa_publicationmanagers'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:editor[@role='publicationmanager']", findall=True)
info_dict['eoa_publicationassistants'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:editor[@role='publicationassistant']", findall=True)
info_dict['eoa_editorialcoordinators'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:editor[@role='editorialcoordinator']", findall=True)
info_dict['eoa_copyeditors'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:editor[@role='copyeditor']", findall=True)
info_dict['eoa_translators'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:editor[@role='translator']", findall=True)
info_dict['eoa_keywords'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:profileDesc/t:textClass/t:keywords/t:list/t:item", findall=True)
info_dict['eoa_authors'] = get_field(xml_tree, "//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:author", findall=True)
return info_dict
# def get_publication_info ends here
def make_publication_cfg(info_dict):
"""Main function"""
config = configparser.ConfigParser(delimiters=(':'))
# set up three main bits
config['Technical'] = {}
technical_config = config['Technical']
config['General'] = {}
general_config = config['General']
config['Authors'] = {}
authors_config = config['Authors']
date_object = datetime.strptime(info_dict['eoa_publicationdate'], "%Y-%m-%d")
# fill in the fields
technical_config['Serie'] = info_dict['eoa_series'] #ok
technical_config['Number'] = info_dict['eoa_number'] #ok
technical_config['Title'] = info_dict['eoa_title'] #ok
technical_config['Subtitle'] = info_dict['eoa_subtitle'] #ok
technical_config['PublicationDate'] = info_dict['eoa_publicationdate'] #ok
technical_config['PublicationYear'] = datetime.strftime(date_object, "%Y")
technical_config['ISBN'] = info_dict['eoa_isbn'] #ok
technical_config['Price'] = info_dict['eoa_price'] #ok
technical_config['Shoplink'] = """<a href="{0}{1}">{2}</a>""".format(info_dict['eoa_shoplink_url'], info_dict['eoa_shoplink_id'].replace("id_", ""), info_dict['eoa_shoplink_text']) #ok
technical_config['Language'] = info_dict['eoa_language'] #ok
technical_config['License'] = info_dict['eoa_license'] #ok
general_config['BriefDescription'] = info_dict['eoa_brief_desc'] #ok
general_config['Submitter'] = ", ".join(info_dict['eoa_submitters']) #ok
general_config['PublicationManagment'] = ", ".join(info_dict['eoa_publicationmanagers'])
general_config['PublicationAssistants'] = ", ".join(info_dict['eoa_publicationassistants'])
if len(info_dict['eoa_keywords']) > 8:
sys.exit("Too many Keywords. Up to 8 are allowed. Exiting.")
for keyword in info_dict['eoa_keywords']:
keyword_label = "Keyword" + str(info_dict['eoa_keywords'].index(keyword) + 1)
general_config[keyword_label] = keyword
general_config['DetailedDescription'] = info_dict['eoa_detail_desc'] #ok
general_config['AdditionalInformation'] = info_dict['eoa_additional_info'] #ok
general_config['EditorialCoordination'] = ", ".join(info_dict['eoa_editorialcoordinators'])
general_config['Copyediting'] = ", ".join(info_dict['eoa_copyeditors'])
general_config['Dedication'] = info_dict['eoa_dedication'] #ok
general_config['Translator'] = ", ".join(info_dict['eoa_translators'])
if len(info_dict['eoa_authors']) > 5:
sys.exit("Too many authors. Up to 5 are allowed. Exiting.")
for entry in range(0, 5):
author_label = "Author" + str(entry + 1)
authors_config[author_label] = info_dict['eoa_authors'][entry]
except IndexError:
authors_config[author_label] = ""
authors_config['Zusatz'] = ""
output_filename = OUTPUT_DIR + os.path.sep + "publication.cfg"
with open(output_filename, 'w') as configfile:
print("Wrote", output_filename)
# def make_publication_cfg ends here
def render_reference(list_of_xml_elements, cited_data):
"""Provide an attribute for a formatted version of Reference.
This will be used for output formats that don't have a bibliographic
formatter themselves
for reference in list_of_xml_elements:
citekey = reference.xpath("t:ref/@target", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0][1:]
# here we need to get a formatted version of the entry, like it
# would appear in the typeset version.
# looked at: bibulous
# pandoc-citeproc, maybe
element = etree.SubElement(reference, "abbr", type="authoryear")
element.text = cited_data[citekey][1]
element = etree.SubElement(reference, "abbr", type="title")
element.text = cited_data[citekey][2]
# def render_reference ends here
def write_citation_markdown(used_citekeys):
"""Write markdown file with citekeys for bibliography rendering"""
md_file_header = "---\nlang: en\ntitle: Citations\n...\n\n"
with open(TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + "", "w") as citation_formatter:
# citation_formatter.write("# Full parentheses\n")
citation_formatter.write("# citeauthoryear\n")
for entry in used_citekeys:
citation_formatter.write("[@%s]\n" % entry)
citation_formatter.write("\n# citeyear\n")
for entry in used_citekeys:
citation_formatter.write("[-@%s]\n" % entry)
# sentencestyle
citation_formatter.write("\n# yearparen\n")
for entry in used_citekeys:
citation_formatter.write("@%s\n" % entry)
citation_formatter.write("\n# References\n")"Wrote citation formatter.")
# def write_citation_markdown ends here
def format_citations(used_citekeys, bibdata):
"""Return a formatted entry of the used citations"""
with open(TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + "formatted_citations.html", "r") as ding:
cites = BeautifulSoup(ding, "html.parser")
with open(TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + "formatted_citations.html", "r") as ding:
reference_list = soupparser.fromstring(ding, features="html.parser")
# references = dd.xpath("//div[@class='references']")
# with open("tmp_files/formatted_citations.html", "r") as ding:
references = reference_list.xpath("//div[@class='references']")[0]
# full_paren_cites ="#full-parentheses ~ p > span")
# year_paren_cites ="#year-parentheses ~ p > span")
citation_dict = {}
for entry in used_citekeys:
for entry_2 in bibdata:
if entry_2["id"] == entry:
current_citation = entry
strTitle = entry_2["title"]
title = strTitle
authoryear_citation ="#citeauthoryear ~ p > span[data-cites='%s']" % entry)[0].text
year_citation ="#citeyear ~ p > span[data-cites='%s']" % entry)[0].text
citation_dict[entry] = (authoryear_citation, year_citation, title)
return citation_dict, references
# def format_citations ends here
def format_pagerange(pagerange_start, pagerange_end):
"""Parse valuse of citedRange attributes. Return formatted string"""
return_string = ""
if pagerange_start is not None:
return_string += pagerange_start
if pagerange_end is not None:
return_string += "–" + pagerange_end
return return_string
# def format_pagerange ends here
def transform_body(xml_tree, cited_data, authors, publang):
"""Transform the body of XML document into EOADjango file"""
# Document structure #
# unclean solution
# chapter_element = xml_tree[0]
# chapter_element.tag = "div1"
# chapter_element.set("language", publang)
eoa_chapters = xml_tree.xpath("//t:div[@type='chapter']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for chapter in eoa_chapters:
chapter.tag = "div1"
chapter.set("language", publang)
chapter_title = chapter.find("t:head", namespaces=NS_MAP)
if authors is not None:
if len(authors) == 1:
eoa_author = authors[0]
eoa_author.tag = "EOAauthor"
chapter_title.insert(0, eoa_author)
print("Found more than one author. Please advise")
chapter.insert(0, chapter_title)
eoa_sections = xml_tree.xpath("//t:div[@type='section']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for section in eoa_sections:
section.tag = "div2"
eoa_subsections = xml_tree.xpath("//t:div[@type='subsection']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for subsection in eoa_subsections:
subsection.tag = "div3"
eoa_subsubsections = xml_tree.xpath("//t:div[@type='subsubsection']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for subsubsection in eoa_subsubsections:
subsubsection.tag = "div4"
# Paragraphs #
eoa_paragraphs = xml_tree.xpath("//t:p[not(@rend='footnote text')]", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for paragraph in eoa_paragraphs:
paragraph.tag = "p"
if paragraph.get("rend") == "Quote":
paragraph.set("rend", "quoted")
# Citations #
# we need some data of the references here!
<span rel="popover" class="citation" data-toggle="popover" html="true" data-placement="bottom" data-title="Descartes 1644, 37–44" data-content="Principia philosophiae.">Descartes 1644, 37–44</span>
Intermediate XML:
<span rel="popover" class="citation" citekey="monti_tradizione_2011" data-toggle="popover" html="true" data-placement="bottom" data-title="Monti " data-content="La tradizione galileiana e lo sperimentalismo naturalistico d&#x2019;Et&#xE0; Moderna. Pratiche, teorie, linguaggi.">Monti </span>
eoa_citations = xml_tree.xpath("//t:bibl", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for citation in eoa_citations:
pagerange = ""
cited_range = citation.xpath("t:citedRange", namespaces=NS_MAP)
citeref = citation.xpath("t:ref", namespaces=NS_MAP)
cite_render = citeref[0].get("type")
citekey = citeref[0].get("target")[1:]
citeref[0].tag = "tagtobestripped"
citation.tag = "span"
citation.set("rel", "popover")
citation.set("class", "citation")
citation.set("citekey", citekey)
citation.set("data-toggle", "popover")
citation.set("html", "true")
citation.set("data-placement", "bottom")
if len(cited_range) > 0:
pagerange_start = cited_range[0].get("from")
pagerange_end = cited_range[0].get("to")
pagerange = ", " + format_pagerange(pagerange_start, pagerange_end)
cited_range[0].tag = "tagtobestripped"
if cite_render == 'inline':
formatted_citation = cited_data[citekey][1] + pagerange
except KeyError:
print("Citekey %s was not found in the references. Exiting." % citekey)
formatted_citation = cited_data[citekey][0] + pagerange
except KeyError:
print("Citekey %s was not found in the references. Exiting." % citekey)
citation.text = formatted_citation
# try:
# formatted_citation = cited_data[citekey][0] + pagerange
# except KeyError:
# print("Citekey %s was not found in the references. Exiting." % citekey)
# sys.exit()
citation.set("data-title", formatted_citation)
citation.set("data-content", cited_data[citekey][2])
# Footnotes #
eoa_footnotes = xml_tree.xpath("//t:note[@place='bottom']", namespaces=NS_MAP)
<note place="bottom" xml:id="ftn2" n="2">
<note id-text="34" id="uid40" place="Inline"><p>One reads</note>
for footnote in eoa_footnotes:
# re-assign tag here to get rid of namespace
footnote.tag = "note"
footnote.set("place", "Inline")
footnote.set("id-text", footnote.get("n"))
fn_parent = footnote.getparent()
# we assert here that the parent of a footnote is always a paragraph
assert(fn_parent.tag == "p")
fn_paragraphs = footnote.xpath("t:p", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for fn_paragraph in fn_paragraphs:
fn_paragraph.tag = "p"
del fn_paragraph.attrib["rend"]
# Figures #
<figure><graphic url="figures/Fig.3CarceresaccidentalTraceFirenze2017.png"/><head>Latin inscription on a wall in Caceres, Spain. CIL II 697</head></figure>
<EOAfigure id="uid21">
<anchor id-text="1" id="uid21"/>
<caption>An example of the titles</caption>
figure_counter = 1
eoa_figures = xml_tree.xpath("//t:figure", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for figure in eoa_figures:
figure.tag = "EOAfigure"
figure.set("id", "anotheruid")
anchor_element = etree.SubElement(figure, "anchor")
# anchor_element.set("id-text", "id-text")
# careful, caption can contain markup!
caption_element = figure.xpath("t:head", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0]
caption_element.tag = "caption"
fig_p_element = etree.SubElement(figure, "p")
figure_file = etree.SubElement(fig_p_element, "file").text = figure.xpath("t:graphic/@url", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0]
figure_width = etree.SubElement(fig_p_element, "width").text = "60" #whatever
etree.strip_elements(figure, "{%s}graphic" % ns_tei)
# Hi-Element #
eoa_hi = xml_tree.xpath("//t:hi", namespaces=NS_MAP)
for hi in eoa_hi:
rend_attribute = hi.get("rend")
if rend_attribute == "italic":
hi.set("rend", "it")
elif rend_attribute == "sup":
hi.tag = "EOAup"
del hi.attrib["rend"]
elif rend_attribute == "sub":
hi.tag = "EOAdown"
del hi.attrib["rend"]
else:"The rend attribute in hi has the value %s. This is not supported" % rend_attribute)
return xml_tree
# def transform_body ends here
def assign_ids(xml_tree, data):
"""Walk the xml tree again. Assign ids to xml and put them into dicts, as well."""
chapterdict = {}
figdict = {}
eqdict = {}
fndict = {}
listdict = {}
pagelabeldict = {}
secdict = {}
tabdict = {}
theoremdict = {}
chapter_counter = 1
xml_chapters = xml_tree.xpath("//div1")
for chapter in xml_chapters:
equation_counter = 1
footnote_counter = 1
list_counter = 1
section_counter = 1
table_counter = 1
theorem_counter = 1
if chapter.get('rend') != "nonumber":
chapter.set("id-text", str(chapter_counter))
chapterdict[chapter.get("id")] = str(chapter_counter)
figure_anchors = chapter.findall(".//EOAfigure/anchor")
figure_counter = 1
for anchor in figure_anchors:
figure_number = "%d.%d" % (chapter_counter, figure_counter)
anchor.set("id-text", figure_number)
figure_counter += 1
figure_element = anchor.getparent()
figure_element.set("id", anchor.get("id"))
figdict[anchor.get("id")] = figure_number
footnotes = chapter.findall(".//note")
for footnote in footnotes:
fndict[footnote.get("id")] = footnote.get("n")
sections = chapter.findall(".//div2")
section_counter = 1
for section in sections:
section_number = "%d.%d" % (chapter_counter, section_counter)
section.set("id-text", section_number)
secdict[section.get("id")] = section_number
subsection_counter = 1
subsections = section.findall(".//div3")
for subsection in subsections:
subsection_number = "%d.%d.%d" % (chapter_counter, section_counter, subsection_counter)
subsection.set("id-text", subsection_number)
secdict[subsection.get("id")] = subsection_number
subsection_counter += 1
section_counter += 1
chapter_counter += 1
# not implemented yet: equation, list, pagelabel, tab, theorem
data["chapterdict"] = chapterdict
data["figdict"] = figdict
data["eqdict"] = eqdict
data["fndict"] = fndict
data["listdict"] = listdict
data["pagelabeldict"] = pagelabeldict
data["secdict"] = secdict
data["tabdict"] = tabdict
data["theoremdict"] = theoremdict
return xml_tree, data
# def assign_ids ends here
def add_bibliography(xml_tree, refs_for_bib_chapter):
"""Add another chapter containing the bibliography."""
root_element = xml_tree.getroot()
xml_chapters = root_element.xpath("//div1")
number_of_chapters = len(xml_chapters)
bibliography_chapter = etree.Element("div1", rend="nonumber", language="english")
# this needs to be configurable by language
bib_head = etree.SubElement(bibliography_chapter, "head").text = "Bibliography"
bib_div_1 = etree.SubElement(bibliography_chapter, "div")
bib_div_2 = etree.SubElement(bib_div_1, "div")
entries = refs_for_bib_chapter.findall(".//div")
for entry in entries:
entry_id = entry.get("id")
entry.set("class", "bibliography")
etree.strip_tags(entry, "p")
entry.tag = "p"
internal_markup = entry.findall(".//em")
for markup in internal_markup:
markup.tag = "i"
root_element.insert(number_of_chapters + 1, bibliography_chapter)
return root_element
# def add_bibliography ends here
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("You must specify an input file!")
elif len(sys.argv) > 2:
print("You can work with only one publication at a time!")
with open(TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + 'data.pickle', 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
used_citekeys = data["citekeys"]
tei_document = sys.argv[-1]
xml_tree = etree.parse(tei_document)
bib_data = {}
publication_language = xml_tree.xpath("//t:teiHeader/t:profileDesc/t:langUsage/t:language/@ident", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0]
bib_data["source"] = xml_tree.xpath("//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:sourceDesc/t:ab[@type='bibliography']/t:ref/@target", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0]
bib_data["type"] = xml_tree.xpath("//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:sourceDesc/t:ab[@type='bibliography']/t:ref/@type", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0]"The bibfile is %s." % bib_data["source"])
authors = xml_tree.xpath("//t:teiHeader/t:fileDesc/t:titleStmt/t:author", namespaces=NS_MAP)
# json
interim_bib_json_file = TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + "tmp-bib.json"
citeproc_command = "pandoc-citeproc --bib2json %s" % bib_data["source"]
citeproc_arguments = shlex.split(citeproc_command)
citeproc_process = subprocess.Popen(citeproc_arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
citeproc_json =
citations_json = json.loads(citeproc_json)
with open(interim_bib_json_file, 'w') as json_file:
json_file.write(citeproc_json.decode('utf-8'))"Wrote json file")
if bib_data["type"] not in ["monograph", "anthology", "monograph-numeric", "anthology-numeric"]:
print("The bibliography type %s is not allowed." % bib_data["type"])
# refs for bib_chapter contains formatted reference entries
command = "pandoc -o %sformatted_citations.html -t html --filter=pandoc-citeproc --bibliography=%s --csl=%s %s" % (TMP_DIR + os.path.sep, bib_data["source"], CSL_FILE, TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + "")
arguments = shlex.split(command)"Using external command pandoc: %s." % command)
cited_dict, refs_for_bib_chapter = format_citations(set(used_citekeys), citations_json)
# render_reference(all_references, cited_dict)
# chapter_title = xml_tree.xpath("//t:p[@rend='Title']", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0]
# chapter_title.tag = "head"
# chapter_title.attrib.pop("rend")
tei_body = xml_tree.xpath("//t:body", namespaces=NS_MAP)[0]
body_transformed = transform_body(tei_body, cited_dict, authors, publang=publication_language)
resulting_tree = etree.ElementTree(body_transformed)
xml_add_bib = add_bibliography(resulting_tree, refs_for_bib_chapter)
etree.strip_tags(xml_add_bib, "tagtobestripped")
elements_with_ids = xml_add_bib.xpath("//div1 | //div2 | //div3 | //note | //item | //table | //EOAfigure/anchor | //EOAequation | //formula | //theorem")
element_counter = 1
for element in elements_with_ids:
element.set("id", "uid" + str(element_counter))
element_counter += 1
assigned_ids, data_to_pickle = assign_ids(resulting_tree, data)
xml_root = assigned_ids.getroot()
xml_root.tag = "Book"
final_tree = etree.ElementTree(xml_root)
# objectify.deannotate(final_tree, cleanup_namespaces=True)
# etree.cleanup_namespaces(xml_root)
with open(TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + 'data.pickle', 'wb') as f:
# Pickle the 'data' dictionary using the highest protocol available.
pickle.dump(data_to_pickle, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
# if not os.path.exists("CONVERT"):
# os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("CONVERT"))
# if not os.path.exists("debug"):
# os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("debug"))
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):
publication_info = get_publication_info(xml_tree)
if not os.path.exists(TMP_DIR):
output_filename = TMP_DIR + os.path.sep + "IntermediateXMLFile.xml"
# resulting_tree.write(output_filename, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True,encoding="utf-8")
final_tree.write(output_filename, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8")"Wrote %s." % output_filename)
# Remove namespace info (brute force solution)
bad_ns_string = 'xmlns=""'
with open(output_filename, 'r') as textfile:
xml_as_string =
removed_namespace = xml_as_string.replace(bad_ns_string, "")
with open(output_filename, 'w') as amended_textfile:
# finis