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296 lines (231 sloc) 7.82 KB
% -*- latex -*-
% $Id: amsmath.plt,v 2.31 2011/05/02 08:52:34 grimm Exp $
\ProvidesPackage{amsmath}[2011/04/11 v1.5 AMS math features for Tralics]
\def\mathpalette#1#2{\mathchoice {#1\displaystyle {#2}}%
{#1\textstyle {#2}}{#1\scriptstyle{#2}}{#1\scriptscriptstyle{#2}}}
\ifctagsplit@\else \XMLaddatt[1]{split-tags}{tb} \fi
% \RequirePackage{amstext}[2007/01/01] % not needed
\def\ams@unimp#1{\def#1{\UnimplementedOperator #1}}
\ifx\c@equation\undefined \newcounter{equation}\fi
\newcount\c@MaxMatrixCols \c@MaxMatrixCols=10 %
\def\a@define#1{\ifdefined#1 \else\let#1\relax\fi}
\ifcase #2 \or\dots\or\dots&\dots
%% Objects that are not yet defined but described in the Book
% Verbatim copy of the AMS math code.
% \numberwithin{equation}{section} is the same as
% \@addtoreset{equation}{section}
% \def\theequation{\thesection.\arabic{equation}}
\@xp\xdef\csname the#2\endcsname{%
\@xp\@nx\csname the#3\endcsname .\@nx#1{#2}}}}%
% Command used by T. Bouche
% \equalenv{foo}{bar} is \let\foo\bar\let\endfoo\endbar
\@ifundefined{#1}{\@xp\let\csname #1\@xp\endcsname\csname#2\endcsname
\@xp\let\csname end#1\@xp\endcsname\csname end#2\endcsname}
{\message{#1 already defined: I won't redefine it!^^J}}}
{\bgroup\scriptstyle\begin{matrix}} {\end{matrix}\egroup}
%% Align envs
%% Tags
\newcommand{\raisetag}[1]{} % no-op
\let\o@xtag\@xtag\let\o@ytag\@ytag % make a copy
\let\ox@tag\x@tag\let\oy@tag\y@tag % make a copy
\let\x@tag\@x@tag \let\y@tag\@y@tag}
\let\x@tag\ox@tag \let\y@tag\oy@tag}
\let\leftroot \@gobble
\let\uproot \@gobble
% Table 8.13
% table 8.15
% Table 8.20
% Table 8.22
% Table 8.23
% Table 8.27