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Klaus Thoden committed Aug 23, 2018
1 parent 75e78cd commit 4b566aa
Showing 1 changed file with 74 additions and 0 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# The EOA cosmos

An inventory of all programs related to EOA and how they play together

## EOASkripts
Contains the most important programs for the whole document conversion workflow.

- `` : A helper script that creates a temporary bibtex file from a formatted list of references.
- `` : Converts Latex files into a customized DocBook XML file.
- `` : This program is a processing step after the conversion from docx to TEI.
- `` : Create an XML file that can be inserted into the Django database of an EOAv1 installation.
- `` : Convert a customized DocBook XML file into a set of files that constitute the contents of an EPUB file.
- `` : Unfinished program to convert a customized DocBook XML to TEI-XML.
- ``: A library for the formatting of bibliographical references.
- `` : A collection of functions for the different conversion steps
- `` : Create an automatically generated dummy cover to be used during testing.
- `tei2eoatex.xsl` : An XSL converter from TEI-XML to EOATeX
- `` : A converter from TEI to customized DocBook XML.

## chapterdownload_frontmatter
A program for generating LaTeX frontmatters for chapter downloads. In
fact, it provides functions for a general query on book metadata. A
variant creates ONIX type XML.

The main functionality has been built into the new eoa-django platform
and can be run via ``. A recent addition is
`` which uses data from the LaTeX auxiliary files to
determine the chapter breakpoints and splits the book pdf into the
single chapters that are made available for download, as well.

## eoa-csl
A nearly-abandoned version of a CSL configuration for EOA. Currently
slightly customized version of `chicago-author-date.csl` is used.

## eoa-django
Contains the Django platform which is currently re-developed. The
functionality offered via the `` interface is currently
expanded and offers
- `bib2tei` : Converts a bibtex bibliography file to a TEI-XML `listBibl` structure
- `check_tei_output`
- `publication_add_chapter_frontpages`
- `publication_export_tei` : Exports a publication from the database as an TEI-XML file
- `publication_list`
- `publicationimport`
- `statistic`

## eoa-django2-gitlab
A prototype for the new EOA2 platform. It accepts TEI-XML documents as input.

## eoa-opds-module
A proof-of-concept to create files for an OPDS catalogue service.

## eoa-tei-schema
Contains the RELAX NG schema for the EOA publications.

## eoa-umbrellapage
A small Django-CMS platform for the umbrella page.

## eoa-utilities
A collection of small tools and files

## eoa_sample_project
A EOATeX sample project that contains all the possible markup
possibilities. Also a testing ground for new features. The text markup
is congruent with the example file found in `eoa-tei-schema`

## eoa_skeleton
Provides the basic structure for an EOATeX project.

## latex2eoa
A tool to convert common LaTeX markup into EOATeX markup.

## rssfixer
A small tool to correct the links in the rssfeeds.

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