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Support for other font in CSS
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Klaus Thoden committed May 29, 2018
1 parent c9bd759 commit a0ccbe2
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 17 deletions.
132 changes: 115 additions & 17 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
# Time-stamp: <2018-03-19 13:13:47 (kthoden)>
# Time-stamp: <2018-04-24 17:07:01 (kthoden)>

import os
import sys
Expand All @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
import pickle
import shlex
import subprocess
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from lxml import etree
import libeoaconvert
Expand All @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="CONFIG_FILE", help="Name of configuration file", metavar="CONFIGURATION")

parser.add_argument("-f", "--font", help="Font to be used, default is TeX Gyre Termes", default="termes")
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.CONFIG_FILE is not None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,9 +77,64 @@
dictTables = data["tabdict"]
dictPagelabels = data["pagelabeldict"]

def remove_processinginstruction(xml_tree, pi_name):
"""Remove processing instructions with a specific name"""

proc_insts = xml_tree.xpath("//processing-instruction('{}')".format(pi_name))

# counter = 1

# for instruction in proc_insts:
# logging.debug("looking at pi %d" % counter)

# instruction_previous = instruction.getprevious()
# instruction_parent = instruction.getparent()

# if instruction_previous is not None:
# if instruction_previous.tail is not None:
# instruction_previous_tail = instruction_previous.tail
# else:
# instruction_previous_tail = ""
# else:
# instruction_previous_tail = ""

# instruction_tail = instruction.tail
# instruction_parent_text = instruction_parent.text

# print("parent text", instruction_parent_text)
# print("previous ", instruction_previous_tail)
# print("pi tail", instruction_tail)

# if instruction_previous is not None:
# logging.debug("case 1")
# if instruction_tail is not None:
# logging.debug("case 2")
# instruction_previous_tail += instruction_tail
# else:
# logging.debug("case 3")
# if instruction_tail is not None:
# instruction_parent.text += instruction_tail

# instruction_parent.remove(instruction)
# counter += 1

# Leaving that out for now.
# Found solution below on, but that
# seems only to work in all cases

for instruction in proc_insts:
etree.strip_tags(instruction.getparent(), instruction.tag)

logging.debug("Removed %s processing instructions of type %s." % (len(proc_insts), pi_name))

return xml_tree
# def remove_processinginstruction ends here

def addToContentopf(contentopf, Filename, FileID, Mediatype):
"""Function to add Elements to Content-OPF (epub)"""

# logging.debug("considering adding %s with FileID %s to content.opf" % (Filename, FileID))

global listContentopf
# Sanitizing FileID, id-attribute may not contain _ : or /
# FileID may also not start with a number
Expand All @@ -89,6 +145,7 @@ def addToContentopf(contentopf, Filename, FileID, Mediatype):
FileID = re.sub("^[0-9]", "", FileID)
FileID = re.sub("^[0-9]", "", FileID)
if FileID in listContentopf:
# logging.debug("Not adding %s, because something with a FileID %s is already there" % (Filename, FileID))
return contentopf
# Sanitizing FileID, id-attribute may not contain _ : or /
Expand All @@ -100,6 +157,8 @@ def addToContentopf(contentopf, Filename, FileID, Mediatype):
FileID = re.sub("^[0-9]", "", FileID)
FileID = re.sub("^[0-9]", "", FileID)
dictMediatypes = {
"txt" : "text/plain",
"otf" : "application/",
"xml" : "application/xhtml+xml",
"jpg" : "image/jpeg",
"png" : "image/png"
Expand All @@ -111,6 +170,8 @@ def addToContentopf(contentopf, Filename, FileID, Mediatype):
xmlItem.set("media-type", dictMediatypes[Mediatype])
xmlItem.set("href", Filename)
# logging.debug("Added %s, with FileID %s" % (Filename, FileID))

# if it's a XML-File also extent <spine>
if Mediatype == "xml":
xmlSpine = contentopf.find(".//" + contentopfns + "spine")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,11 +219,52 @@ def addToTocncx(tocncx, Label, intTechnicalChapterNumber):
# Copy containter.xml and mimetype
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "epubcontainer.xml", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/META-INF/container.xml")
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "epubmimetype", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/mimetype")
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "eoa-epub.css", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/")
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-bold.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-bolditalic.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-italic.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-regular.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")

# Preparing content.opf
xmlContentopfParser = etree.XMLParser(no_network=False,load_dtd=False)
contentopf = etree.parse(EPUB_FILES + "epubcontentopf.xml", xmlContentopfParser)

# This list includes all files which have already been included to avoid duplicates
listContentopf = []

# Fonts #
libertine_fonts = ["GPL.txt", "LICENCE.txt", "LinLibertine_R.otf", "LinLibertine_RI.otf", "LinLibertine_RZ.otf", "LinLibertine_RZI.otf", "OFL-1.1.txt"]
termes_fonts = ["texgyretermes-bold.otf", "texgyretermes-bolditalic.otf", "texgyretermes-italic.otf", "texgyretermes-regular.otf"]

if args.font == "termes":
font_files = termes_fonts
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "eoa-epub-termes.css", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/eoa-epub.css")
elif args.font == "libertine":
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "eoa-epub-libertine.css", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/eoa-epub.css")
font_files = libertine_fonts
else:"Font not recognized, falling back to default.")
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "eoa-epub-termes.css", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/eoa-epub.css")

otf_id_counter = 1
txt_id_counter = 1

for fontfile in font_files:
shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + fontfile, os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")

base_file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(fontfile)

if file_extension == ".otf":
contentopf = addToContentopf(contentopf, "fonts/" + fontfile, "otf-font" + str(otf_id_counter), file_extension[1:])
otf_id_counter += 1
elif file_extension == ".txt":
contentopf = addToContentopf(contentopf, "fonts/" + fontfile, "font-txt" + str(txt_id_counter), file_extension[1:])
txt_id_counter += 1
print("Other file found. Exiting")

# shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-bold.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")
# shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-bolditalic.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")
# shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-italic.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")
# shutil.copy(EPUB_FILES + "texgyretermes-regular.otf", os.getcwd() + "/CONVERT/epub/OEBPS/fonts/")

# Shortcut for namespace
htmlns = "{}"
Expand All @@ -174,10 +276,6 @@ def addToTocncx(tocncx, Label, intTechnicalChapterNumber):
xmlTocncxParser = etree.XMLParser(no_network=False,load_dtd=False)
tocncx = etree.parse(EPUB_FILES + "epubtocncx.xml", xmlTocncxParser)

# Preparing content.opf
xmlContentopfParser = etree.XMLParser(no_network=False,load_dtd=False)
contentopf = etree.parse(EPUB_FILES + "epubcontentopf.xml", xmlContentopfParser)

print("Preparing content.opf")
xmlMetadata = contentopf.find(".//{}metadata")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,13 +406,13 @@ def addToTocncx(tocncx, Label, intTechnicalChapterNumber):
xmlText.text = strAuthorString

# This list includes all files which have already been included to avoid duplicates
listContentopf = []

# Convert Tralics-XML to Epub #

#xmlTree = remove_processinginstruction(xmlTree, 'hyperimage')

# Copy xmlTree to xmlEbookTree
xmlEbookTree = deepcopy(xmlTree)
# xmlChapters is a list containing all chapters
Expand All @@ -329,8 +427,8 @@ def addToTocncx(tocncx, Label, intTechnicalChapterNumber):
xmlChapter.find("head").tag = "h1"
if xmlChapter.get("rend") != "nonumber":
idChapter = xmlChapter.get("id")
print(idChapter + " konvertierung into h1")
# print(idChapter + " konvertierung into h1")
# print(dictChapters[idChapter])
strHeadline = xmlChapter.find("h1").text or ""
xmlChapter.find("h1").text = str(dictChapters[idChapter]) + ". " + strHeadline
if xmlChapter.find(".//EOAauthor") is not None:
Expand All @@ -342,7 +440,7 @@ def addToTocncx(tocncx, Label, intTechnicalChapterNumber):
xmlChapter.find(".//EOAauthor").text = ""
xmlChapter = etree.strip_tags(xmlChapter, "EOAauthor")

# print(dictSections)

print("Convert EOAsection to H2")
Expand Down

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