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executable file 778 lines (701 sloc) 24.5 KB
% Version: 1.6
% 30/07/2015
% Last modifier: Georg
% Basic packages used for if-else
% Redefining the header
\pagestyle{fancy} % eigenen Seitestil aktivieren}
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\footnotesize \nouppercase\thepage}
\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\footnotesize \nouppercase\leftmark}
%Use to change the size of the header font
%\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\normalfont\changefontsizes{8pt} \nouppercase\thepage}
%\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\normalfont\changefontsizes{8pt} \nouppercase\leftmark}
\renewcommand\chaptermark[1]{\markboth{\thechapter. #1}{}}
% Activate fontspec for various fonts
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
% Activate Unicode-Support
% Polyglossia is being used instead of babel.
% Rename "Abbildung" to "Abb." for german texts
% Definition of fonts for Chinese based on OS
% The package zhspacing makes typesetting chinese much better
% assigning explicit character classes for CJK ambiguous characters
% Definition of various fonts based on OS
\newfontfamily\germanfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\englishfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\greekfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\russianfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\hebrewfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\EOAmfont{XITS Math}
% Those fonts are being used in Berlin only, no need for Windows
% Equation- and formula-fun
% amsfonts and similar produce broken PDF X/4 - we need unicode-math
% and use the font XITS-Math (
\setmathfont[active-frac=small]{XITS Math}
\setmathfont[version=bold,FakeBold=1.5]{XITS Math}
% Chemical formulas
% kt add marginnote
% Definition of page dimensions depending on series
%% changing format to A4. What about the margins?
% the else part
% another else part
% and another else part
% the last else part
{\PackageError{EOALatex}{Wrong EOAseries}{Accepted values are: Sources, Studies, Proceedings or Textbooks}}
% Schusterjungen und Hurenkinder
\clubpenalty = 10000
\widowpenalty = 10000
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000
% Mit raggedbottom wird verhindert, dass Seiten nach unten hin aufgefüllt werden, das Paket here ermöglicht die fixe Positionierung von Bildern
% Gestaltung von Auflistungen im Text
% soul-package being used for strikeout and spacing out
% Für die Formatierung von URLs im Fließtext, escapen ist damit nicht mehr notwendig
% enable breaking of URLs at uppercase letters
% One Command to tweak the style of the bibliography
% Remove pp from references
% Remove quotation marks from certain titles
% Remove pp from bibliography at all
% Remove "In:" from articles
% Delete Vol. as praefix
% Use : for pages of an article, use . for the rest
% Group Volume and Issue in {Brackets}
% Bug fix for Windows
% Einbindung des biblatex-Pakets mittels \EOAbibliographytype
% Small font for Bibliography
% \renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\normalfont\changefontsizes{8pt}}
% The command EOApublicationtype may be used to adjust some settings
% If the type is essay, then the numbering of sections etc. need to be
% adjusted, ie. 1. Headline and not 0.1 Headline
% ------------------- formatierung der Fussnoten Anfang ---------
%%%%%%%%%%%% Footnote Sets
% Allocate some extra registers so that we don't run out when
% declaring footnotes
%allow for more than 26 alpha-numbered footnotes per chater
%%%%%%%%%%%% Footnote Sets --end
% ------------------- formatierung der Fussnoten Ende ---------
% cpation dient zur Realisierung der Bildunterschriften
% footnote-package needed to typeset footnotes in captions
% problem was that both footnotes and captions are fragile
% Für die Einbindung von Grafiken
% Mit float wird die Option H bei der Positionierung von Grafiken ermöglicht
% Stichwortverzeichnis mit den Standard-TeX-Funktionen
%Use to add alphabetical headers within the index
\makeindex[name=keywords,title=Subject Index,options=-s preambel/]
\makeindex[name=persons,title=Name Index,options=-s preambel/]
\makeindex[name=locations,title=Index of Locations,options=-s preambel/]
% Formatierung der Überschriften Anfang
{\normalfont \rmfamily}%
{\singlespacing\raggedleft\textbf{Teil \thepart}\\}%
\titlespacing*{\part} {0pt}{-30pt}{0pt}
{\normalfont \rmfamily\large}
{\singlespacing\textbf{Chapter \thechapter\quad}}%
\titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{-30pt}{80pt}
{\normalfont \rmfamily}
{\normalfont \rmfamily}
{\normalfont \rmfamily}
% Formatierung der Überschriften Ende
% Tiefe des Inhaltsverzeichnisses
%Use to repress subsections in the table of content (GP, 14.07.2015)
% Formatierung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses
% Formatierung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses
% Definition einiger Makros zur Erhöhung des Bedienkomforts - Anfang
% Makro für fetten Text
% Makro für kursiven Text
% Makro für einen URL
% \newcommand{\EOAurl}[1]{\protect\href{#1}{#1}}
% Makro für hochgestellten Text
% Makro für tiefgestelten Text
% Makro for Greek Text: \greek{}
\newcommand{\EOAgreek}[1]{{\greekfont #1}}
% Makro for striked out Text
% Makro for letter spacing
% Makro for letter CAPS
% Since Times does not have Caps, we use Hoefler on OS X and Palatino Linotype on Windows
{\fontspec[Scale=0.7]{Palatino Linotype}\textsc{#1}}%
{\fontspec[Scale=1]{Hoefler Text}\textsc{#1}}%
% Makro for Matgh font: \greek{}
\newcommand{\EOAmathfont}[1]{{\EOAmfont #1}}
% Makro for chinese Text: \EOAchinese{}
\newcommand{\EOAchinese}[1]{{\chinesefont #1}}
% Makro for russian Text: \EOArussian{}
\newcommand{\EOArussian}[1]{{\russianfont #1}}
% Makro for hebrew Text: \EOAhebrew{}
\newcommand{\EOAhebrew}[1]{{\hebrewfont #1}}
% Makro for Inline-Figure: \EOAinline{File}
% New command for Footnotes
% New command for ~
% New command for referencing objects (i.e. figures)
% New command for referencing pages
% New command for label
% New command for marking index entries
% New command for printing index
% New command for marking person index entries
% New command for printing person index
% New command for marking person index entries
% New command for printing person index
% New command for Table of Content
% New command for ToC-Entries
%% hier ist irgendwas passiert!
%% \newcommand{\EOAtocentry}[1]{\addtocontents{toc}{\hspace{15pt}\normalfont{\textbf{#1}}\par}}
% \newcommand{\EOAtocentry}[1]{\addtocontents{toc}{\normalfont{\textbf{#1}}\par}}
% New command for parts
% New command for parts
%--------------------- Formatting the facsimile part
\pagestyle{fancy} % eigenen Seitestil aktivieren}
\fancyhf{} % Alle Felder loeschen
% New command for numbered chapters
% New command for not numbered chapters
% New command for Author in Headline
\newcommand{\EOAauthor}[1]{\\ \textnormal{\textit{ #1}}}
% New command for sections
% New command for sections that won't appear in table of contents
% New command for subsections
% New command for subsections that won't appear in table of contents
% New command for not numbered sections
% New command for not numbered subsections
% % New command for not numbered subsections that are excluded from toc
% \newcommand{\EOAsubsectionnonumbernotoc}[1]{\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}\subsection*{#1}\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}}
%New command for subsubsection
% New command for an empty page
     %-------------------------- using invisible characters
% New command for a pagebreak
% New Environment for bilungual doublesided transcription
\ifodd\c@page \hbox{}\newpage\if@twocolumn\hbox{}%
% Here definded pro forma in conjunction with EOAtranscripted
% Environment for quoting
% Environment for Lists, if optional argument is given, it starts at another number
% \newenvironment{EOAlist}{\medskip\begin{compactenum}}{\end{compactenum}\medskip}
% Environment for undordered list
% Command to define a theorem
% Environment for descriptions
% New command for short equation
% Environment for Equations
% Multilines may be used with \begin{split} and \\ to mark a linebreak
% Environment for Subequations
% Environment for unnumbered Equation
% Environment for numbered Equation array
\newenvironment{EOAequationarray}[1]{\csname align\endcsname}{\csname endalign\endcsname\ignorespacesafterend}
% Environment for not numbered Equation array
\newenvironment{EOAequationarraynonumber}{\csname align*\endcsname}{\csname endalign*\endcsname\ignorespacesafterend}
% Makro for Figure: \EOAfigure{File}{Caption}{Label}{Width}{Position}
% Redefinition and \makesavenoteenv necessary to enable footnotes in captions
\captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false,font=footnotesize,format=hang,justification=centering, labelformat=empty}%, margin={2em,0em}}
%Use to center single-line captions and have captions longer than one line at the left (GP, 14.07.2015)
%% adjusting space below figure
% Makro for non numbered Figure: \EOAfigurenonumber{File}{Width}{Position}
% Redefinition and \makesavenoteenv necessary to enable footnotes in captions
% Makro for Landscape-Figure: \EOAfigure{File}{Caption}{Label}
% Makro for Facimile: \EOAfacsimile{File}{Label}
% \EOAfacsimile[pb0049]{facsim/0049.jpg}{facsimile0049}{First facsimile page extended}
\def\@with[#1]#2#3#4{\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\footnotesize \nouppercase #4}\begin{figure}[H] \begin{center} \label{#3} \hyperref[#1]{\XeTeXLinkBox{ \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{#2}}} \end{center} \end{figure}\clearpage}
% \EOAfacsimile{facsim/0049.jpg}{facsimile0049}{First facsimile page}
\def\@without#1#2#3{\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\footnotesize \nouppercase #3}\begin{figure}[H] \begin{center} \label{#2} \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{#1} \end{center} \end{figure}\clearpage}
% Command for bibliographies as sections within a chapter
% Command for .bib-Database
% Command for quotation Name Year, Page
% Command for quotation Year, Page
% Command for manual quotation
% Command for manual quotation
% Definition einiger Makros zur Erhöhung des Bedienkomforts - Ende
%%%%%%%%%%%% Tables - Beginning
% Middle rule should be thicker, therefor redfining lightrulewidth for \midrule
\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % linksbündig mit Breitenangabe
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % zentriert mit Breitenangabe
\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % rechtsbündig mit Breitenangabe
% if the caption is equal to 'no number', then omit caption and label
% if the caption is not equal to 'no number', then use caption and label
% if the optional parameter is "blank" then omit borders
% if the optional parameter is not "blank" or missing then enable borders
% Definition of temporary commands to enable the caption and the label in the ending part of the EOAtable-environment
%%%%%%%%%%%% Tables - End
%%%%%%%%%%%% Letter - Beginning (Work in Progress)
\emph{#3}, \emph{#4}
%%%%%%%%%%%% Letter - End
%%%%%%%%%%%% Box - Beginning (Work in Progress)
% \usepackage{mdframed}
% \definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{0.9}
% % entweder so:
% % \newmdenv[backgroundcolor=shadecolor, linecolor=shadecolor, innerleftmargin=5pt, innerrightmargin=5pt, frametitle={Rudiments of General History}]{EOAbox}
% % oder so:
% \mdfdefinestyle{mdfeoabox}{%
% backgroundcolor=shadecolor, linecolor=shadecolor, innerleftmargin=4pt, innerrightmargin=4pt}
% \newenvironment{EOAbox}[1][]%
% {\begin{mdframed}[style=mdfeoabox,frametitle={ #1 }]}
% {\end{mdframed}}
%%%%%%%%%%%% Box - End
% Verse
% Some fixes concerning XeTeX and the n-dash
\XeTeXinterchartoks 150 0 = {\kern0em }
% Give more space per line, makes hyphenation better
%% urlcolor=SteelBlue4,
%% linkcolor=DarkSlateGrey,
pdfstartpage={1}, %what page to start at
pdfstartview={FitH}, %% zoom to pagewidth