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<title level="s" n="125">Studies</title>
<title level="m" type="main">Der ewige Testband</title>
<title level="m" type="sub">Experimentell</title>
<author>Klaus Thoden</author>
<editor role="publicationmanager">Lindy Divarci</editor>
<editor role="submitter">Klaus Thoden</editor>
<editor role="editorialcoordinator">Captain Emo</editor>
<editor role="copyeditor">Myself</editor>
<measure quantity="" unit="EUR"/>
<publisher>Edition Open Access</publisher>
<date when="2099-09-23">2099-09-23</date>
<idno type="ISBN">978-3-8442-XXX</idno>
<idno type="shoplink"></idno>
<licence target="">
<p>Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License.</p>
<p>This is a born digital document from Edition Open Access.</p>
<abstract n="brief">
<p>Klein anfangen</p>
<abstract n="detail">
<p>Groß enden</p>
<language ident="de">Deutsch</language>
<rendition scheme="css" xml:id="struck">text-decoration: line-through;</rendition>
<rendition scheme="css" xml:id="spaced">letter-spacing:0.3em</rendition>
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<div language="english" type="chapter"><head>Document structure</head>
<div type="section"><head>This is the first section</head>
<p>This the first section of a text. It is preceded by two hierarchical
units, namely Part and Chapter. As you can see above, the chapter
command has two arguments, the first one being the running head which
is displayed in the header of each page, the second being the text
that is printed on the page where the chapter begins.</p>
<p>We offer two additional units below the section: the subsection and
the subsubsection. See below how they are displayed!</p>
<div type="subsection"><head>This is a subsection</head>
<p>Here we are at an even lower hierarchical level. This can be quite
useful. Be aware that this level is not being displayed in the table
of contents. Now, there is still one level below that: the subsubsection.</p>
<div rend="nonumber" type="subsubsection"><head>A subsubsection</head>
<p>A subsubsection will never be numbered and like its predecessor, it
will not show up in the table of contents.</p>
<div rend="nonumber" language="english" type="chapter"><head>Unnumbered document structure</head>
<p>Chapter, section and subsection can also be used without numbers. Do
you see the slight changes in the layout? Also, the counter is not
incremented. What should we use this for?</p>
<p>How can we see if the next two are section or subsection? They have
the same height. What shall we do??</p>
<div rend="nonumber" type="section"><head>Section without numbers</head>
<p>This the first section of a text. It is preceded by two hierarchical
units, namely Part and Chapter. As you can see above, the chapter
command has two arguments, the first one being the running head which
is displayed in the header of each page. Structure your text wisely.</p>
<p>Now, a running head only makes sense if your chapter spreads across
several pages.</p>
<div rend="nonumber" type="subsection"><head>Subsection without number</head>
<p>Here we are at an even lower hierarchical level. This can be quite
useful. Be aware that this level is not being displayed in the table
of contents.</p>
<div language="english" type="chapter"><head>Markup</head>
<p>The EOA flavour of Latex offers quite a few commands that help you
markup words in your text. And also, if you want to include words in
different writing systems, they have to be preceded by commands so
that the system can switch to the correct font. The whole scope is
gathered in the next, rather experimental section.</p>
<div type="section"><head>Non-Latin alphabets</head>
<p>This section showcases text written in writing systems other than
Latin. It includes Russian, Chinese, Hebrew and Greek.</p>
<div type="subsection"><head>Russian</head>
<p>First, Russian: В начале двадцатого века был
одним из идеологов богостроительства, в 1909 году помогал участникам
этого течения содержать фракционную школу на острове Капри для
рабочих, которую В. И. Ленин называл "литераторским центром
<div type="subsection"><head>Chinese</head>
<p>Next, Chinese: 法兰克人接受了高卢罗马文化,
<div type="subsection"><head>Hebrew</head>
<p>Then, Hebrew: ארגינעל האט די סעקרעטאריאט שטאב געדארפט צו זיין א
פאראייניגטע גרופע פון אומפארטייאישע שליחים פון יעדע לאנד וועלכע האבן
נאר די אינטערעסן פון זייערע אייגענע לענדער אבער עס האט זיך קיינמאל
נישט געהעריג אויסגעארבעט און נאר דער סעקרעטאר גענעראל איז אזוי
באטראכט געווארן</p>
<div type="subsection"><head>Greek</head>
<p>And finally Greek: Ο φλοιός κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 5
και 70 km σε βάθος. Τα λεπτά τμήματα του φλοιού είναι κάτω από τους
ωκεανούς (ωκεάνιος φλοιός) και αποτελούνται από πυκνά πετρώματα
μαγνησίου, σιδήρου και πυριτίου. Τα παχύτερα τμήματα του φλοιού
είναι τα ηπειρωτικά τα οποία είναι λιγότερο πυκνά από τα ωκεάνια και
αποτελούνται από πετρώματα πλούσια σε νάτριο, αλουμίνιο και
<div type="subsection"><head>If in doubt</head>
<p>You can add complicated characters as images, for example, an apple: <graphic url="inline/A.jpg"></graphic></p>
<div type="section"><head>Text markup</head>
<p>This is a regular paragraph. Words can appear in italics, –
<hi rend="italic">these are examples of this</hi> – and some characters are
superscript or subscript. <hi rend="superscript">A high pitched voice</hi> called and
<hi rend="subscript">a deep resonating bass</hi> answered. What is the
Math font good for?. Be careful and use
<hi rend="bold">EOAbold</hi> only sparingly.</p>
<p>To read single Arabic words, as in Grammaticall Paradigms, we must
know the sound of the letters [...] ‘b t θ 3 כ
ח {} d t z s שׁ שׁ s d t d y G F k כּ כּ
L m n w h y.<hi rend="superscript">change of יה into ח</hi>
place of the accent [...] never in ultima, therefore in penultima in
all disyllables as onsur, never higher than the antepenult, and there
always in polysyllables as nasara, nasarta unlwaaw [y]e penult be made
long by quiescent by אוי as tansoranias tansoriיna
tansoraיna<note place="bottom"><p>Add., f.1r.</p>
<p>Another paragraph showcasing some additional text marking features.
least, here is the way to enter web
addresses: <ref type="url" target=""></ref>.</p>
<div type="section"><head>Other types of text blocks</head>
<p>If you want to include a longer quote in a text, there is of course a
command for that. And inside that we also introduce you to how you can
insert footnotes.<bibl><ref target="#Piaget_1985"/></bibl></p>
<quote>Do you like the lorem ipsum text? I
don't.<note place="bottom"><p><bibl><ref target="#Kaulbach_1960"/></bibl></p>
</note>. Klar, man
kann damit Seite um Seite füllen, aber wenn die Leserin entsprechend
geneigt ist, will sie gelesenen Text auch lesen und verstehen können.
Und da hörts dabei einfach auf!</quote>
<div rend="nonumber" type="subsection"><head>Three constructs for lists</head>
<p>This is a numbered list containing three items</p>
<list type="ordered">
<item>This is the first entry.
<item>This is the second entry.
<item>This is the third entry
<p>A list starting at 5</p>
<list type="ordered">
<item>This is the first entry.
<item>This is the second entry.
<item>This is the third entry
<p>In contrast to that, here is a list that is not numbered, but also
contains the same items!</p>
<list type="bulleted">
<item>This is the first entry. ☉
<item>This is the second entry.
<item>This is the third entry
<p>Thirdly, if you want to give some definitions you can use EOAdescription:</p>
<list type="gloss"><label>LaTeX</label>
<item>A typesetting system
<item>This is you!
<div type="section"><head>Smaller spacings</head>
<p>Small spacings are also there: U SA<index indexName="Location"><term>USofA</term></index>.</p>
<div type="section"><head>Some technical matters</head>
<p>Some letters cannot be typed directly when writing in LaTeX. For
example the tilde: ~. We have to use a command for that. Also,
of course, as you have already seen, you cannot write the percent sign
as it is, because this is used for commentig. Use % instead. And for
a backslash?</p>
<p noindent="true">? No. That's a newline. \!</p>
<div language="english" type="chapter"><head>References and indices</head>
<p>Elements can be assigned labels so that we can later refer to them:
sections, images, tables. A lot of things can be cross-referened.</p>
<p>By the way, Joyce<index indexName="Person"><term>James Joyce</term></index> is a darn good author.
Read some of his stuff. It may be useful for indexing some of your key
terms in the text so that we can later link to catalogues that tells
the reader more about the things. Joyce died in
Zurich<index indexName="Location"><term>Zürich</term></index>. You cannot read anything about him in
neither <bibl><ref target="#walkowski_digital_2016"/></bibl>
or <bibl><ref target="#Carvalho2012"/></bibl>!</p>
<p>Now, here's a funny problem concerning the index. Consider one Lord
Charles<index indexName="Person"><ref target="#sec2:image1"/>,
<ref type="page" target="#sec2:image1"/>)!duty of service<term sortKey="Cavendish, Charles 2">Cavendish, Lord Charles
(son of the second duke of Devonshire), (Fig. </term></index>. We actually have
references in there. Can we do this? This is the reference outside the
index: (Fig. <ref target="#sec2:image1"/>, <ref type="page" target="#sec2:image1"/>).</p>
<p>This paragraph illustrates various references (see section
<ref target="#sec1"/> and <ref target="#joyce"/>). It includes a reference to the
image (see image <ref target="#sec2:image1"/>), two entries for the index
(Science<index><term>Science</term></index> and
Confucius<index><term sortKey="Konfuzius">孔夫子</term></index>), one reference to a
facsimile (see facsimile on page <ref type="page" target="#facs002"/>) and one
reference to a section. The last one is at the beginning. And of
course: references to the bibliography: <bibl rend="numeric"><ref target="#Gert2011"/><citedRange unit="page">128</citedRange></bibl>
is numeric, and this is numeric without pagenumber:
<bibl rend="numeric"><ref target="#Gert2011"/></bibl>. We can also cite manually with
<bibl><ref target="#Asper_2009"/></bibl>.<index><ref target="#sec2:image1"/>, <ref type="page" target="#sec2:image1"/>)!duty of service<term sortKey="Pavendish, Pharles&#10;2">Pavendish, Lord Pharles (son of the second puke of Pevonshire),
(Fig. </term></index></p>
<div language="english" type="chapter"><head>Floating environments</head>
<p>Floating environments are bigger constructs like figures and tables (<bibl><ref target="#Gamba_2008"/></bibl>).</p>
<p>If you want to, you can leave the placing of them to the typesetting
system, in order to avoid bigger stretches of white space (cf. <bibl><ref target="#Hsu_1993"/></bibl>).</p>
<div type="section"><head>Tables</head>
<p>The following lines of code produce a table consisting of 4 columns
and 3 rows. Is the table right so?</p>
<p><table rows="4" cols="4" xml:id="sec3_table1"><head>This is a table</head><row role="label"><cell role="data">Heading 1</cell>
<cell role="data">Heading 2</cell>
<cell role="data">Heading 3</cell>
<cell role="data">Heading 4</cell>
</row><row role="data"><cell role="data">Here</cell>
<cell role="data">you</cell>
<cell role="data">may</cell>
<cell role="data">find</cell>
</row><row role="data"><cell role="data">some</cell>
<cell role="data">data</cell>
<cell role="data">spread</cell>
<cell role="data">over</cell>
</row><row role="data"><cell role="data">the</cell>
<cell role="data">table</cell>
<cell role="data">in</cell>
<cell role="data">cells</cell>
<div type="section"><head>Figures</head>
<p>Yet another section. We have an image here. The command takes five
parameters: filename, caption, label, width and position</p>
<figure><head>An image with a caption. It resembles a bird looking at you. Doesn't it? And do you think it looks angry?</head><graphic url="images/1.jpg"/></figure><figure><head>Ostafrikanische Arbeiter an einem der großen Knochengräben, die während der paläontologischen Expedition des <hi rend="italic">Berliner Naturkundemuseums</hi> in die damalige Kolonie Deutsch-Ostafrika zwischen 1909 und 1913 angelegt wurden. (Koloriertes Glasdiapositiv, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Historische Bild- u. Schriftgutsammlungen, Bestand: Pal. Mus., Signatur: B V/177)</head><graphic url="images/1.jpg"/></figure><p>The fat-free version of this is EOAfigurenonumber which does without a
caption and a label. We are using the same source image here, but by
specifying the size of the image, it will scale down accordingly.</p>
<figure rend="nonumber"><graphic url="images/1.jpg"/></figure><p>The last image command – EOAlsfigure – takes three parameters the figure covers the whole page</p>
<figure><head>That's a caption for the lovely landscape image</head><graphic url="images/1.jpg"/></figure><p>Still some things lacking. The model doesn't contain a link to an image, yet.<index><term sortKey="Tavendish, Tharles 2">Tavendish, Lord Tharles (son of the second tuke of Tevonshire)</term></index></p>