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executable file 112 lines (83 sloc) 3.23 KB
%% A sample file for showing what can be done with EOATeX
% Comments can be inserted with % at the beginning of the line.
% Everything to the right of that % is ignored by the TeX processor.
% Use this to put comments in your text.
%% All the commands are defined in the preamble. This command
%% integrates the preamble into this file
% \input{preambel/pre_eoa_box-nofnou}
% \input{preambel/pre_eoa}
% \input{preambel/pre_xml}
%% There are two bibliography types: anthology and monograph, both
%% also come in the flavour of numeric citations: anthology-numeric
%% and monograph-numeric
%% The following line contains the name of the bibliography file
%% (without the .bib extension)
%% Each publication has to be assigned one of the four series in
%% Proceedings, Studies, Sources or Textbook
%% If you need extra rules for hyphenation, you can insert the file
%% here
%% \input{texfiles/hyphenation.tex}
%% This command marks the beginning of the document
%% As a rule, the main file should only contain the basic structure of
%% the publication, but not the text.
%% The frontmatter
% \include{texfiles/frontmatter}
% The command \EOAtoc inserts the table of contents
% only works if tocdepth > 0
%% Set page numberic to arabic
%% Start page numbering with 1
% %% If the book has multiple parts:
% \EOApart{This is the first part}
% % % %% Input the chapters like this:k%C4%B1ld%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1
\EOAchapternonumber{Unnumbered \EOAemph{document} structure}{Unnumbered \EOAemph{document} structure}
\EOAchapter{Document structure}{Document structure}\EOAlabel{chapter_documentstructure}
\EOAchapter{Markup}{Markup \EOAauthor{A.N. Other}}
\EOAifxml{\EOAchapter{LaTeX specifics}{LaTeX specifics}}{%
\EOAchapter{\LaTeX\ specifics}{\LaTeX\ specifics}}
\EOAchapter{References and indices}{References and indices}
\EOAchapter{Floats}{Floating environments}
\EOAchapter{Source editions}{Source editions}
% \EOApart{This is the development part}
% \EOAchapter{Developments}{Developments}
% \input{texfiles/aa_developments}
% \EOAchapter{Likely to fail}{Likely to fail}
% \input{texfiles/xx_fail}
% \EOAchapter{Debug}{Debug}
% \input{texfiles/geller}
% The backmatter
% A place to put the bibliography
% % This simple command prints out the normal index
% %% For the person index we add another item to the table of contents
\EOAtocentry{Person index}
% %% same goes for the location index
\EOAtocentry{Location index}
%% this command adds an entry into the table of contents
% This marks the end of the document. Everything below that line is
% ignored