Based on a basic vanilla installation of MiKTeX, the following were the packages that needed be installed for the example file:
koma-script xargs xifthen ifmtarg ifplatform infwarerr ltxcmds catchfile etexcmds fancyhdr xltxtra realscripts metalogo xunicode t3enc polyglossia makecmds filehook csquotes zhspacing fontname xits amscls xpatch braket carlisle unicode-math mhchem chemgreek pdflscape atbegshi here float paralist footmisc etex-pkg bigfoot ncctools alphalph intcalc caption mdwtools sidecap imakeidx setspace titlesec booktabs framed kvsetkeys kvdefinekeys pdfescape hycolor letltxmacro auxhook kvoptions bitset bigintcalc stringenc rerunfilecheck atveryend uniquecounter logreq geometry refcount gettitlestring bookmark