Our latest preprint: gRNA design with multicrispr

We review gRNA designer software and introduce multicrispr, an R based tool intended to design individual gRNAs as well as gRNA libraries targeting many genomic loci in parallel.

Targeting the coding genome to introduce single nucleotide deletions/insertions via Crispr/Cas9 technology has become a standard procedure in recent years. It has quickly spawned a multitude of methods such as Prime Editing, Crispr/Cas9 assisted APEX proximity labeling of proteins, or homology directed repair (HDR), for which supporting bioinformatic tools are, however, lagging behind. New applications often require specific guide-RNA (gRNA) design functionality, and a generic gRNA design tool is critically missing. Here we review gRNA designer software and introduce multicrispr, an R based tool intended to design individual gRNAs as well as gRNA libraries targeting many genomic loci in parallel. The package is easy to use, detects, scores and filters gRNAs on both efficiency and specificity, visualizes and aggregates results per target or Crispr/Cas9 sequence, and finally returns both genomic ranges as well as sequences of preferred, off target-free gRNAs.

You can access the preprint at bioRxiv. More information about multicrispr is available here. The R package is available at Bioconductor.