We calculate the viscous resistance of a bar with width $w$, height $h$, and length $\ell$. We show that the scaling of the resistance with the sample geometry is approximately
$$ R\sim \frac{\ell}{wh}\left(\frac1{w^2}+\frac1{h^2}\right) $$
Resistance of a bar
Regarding the electrons (charge $-e$, effective mass $m$) as a viscous
fluid with dynamic viscosity $\eta$ and mass density $\rho$, we solve
the Navier-Stokes equations
\[\eta\Delta v+\rho\frac em\nabla\phi=0\]
for the velocity field $v$ in the high-viscosity limit (laminar flow, stationary solution), like the Hagen-Poiseuille flow.
For a bar with width $w$, height $h$, and length $\ell$ the
electrostatic potential $\phi$ describes a constant electric field
generated by applying a voltage $V$ along the $z$ direction,
\[\phi=-V\frac z\ell.\]
We assume that the boundaries of the bar are perfectly rough such that the
component of the drift velocity $v$ parallel to the boundary
vanishes. Introducing a parameter
\[\gamma:=-\frac{e/m}{\eta/\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial z}\phi
=\frac{e/m}{\eta/\rho}\frac V\ell\]
and denoting with $v$ the $z$ component of the drift velocity from now on the Navier-Stokes equations
boil down to solving Poisson’s equation
\[\Delta v=\gamma,\quad(x,y)\in\Omega\]
subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition
where $\Omega$ denotes the rectangular region $0\le x\le w\land0\le y\le
h$ for arbitrary but constant $z$.
General solution by series expansion
This problem has a formal solution expressing $\gamma$ by a Fourier series
expansion in terms of the eigensystem \(\{\phi_{mn},\lambda_{mn}\}\) of the
Laplacian with
We can write
\frac{\int_\Omega\gamma\phi_{mn}^*{\rm d}A}
{\int_\Omega\left\vert\phi_{mn}\right\vert^2{\rm d}A},
which is in principle valid for arbitrary (suitably well behaved) functions
$\gamma=\gamma(x,y)$, not just the constant used here. We express the
drift velocity $v(x,y)$ in terms of the eigenfunctions as well,
\[v=\sum_{m=1}^\infty\sum_{n=1}^\infty v_{mn}\phi_{mn}\]
and insert this into our main equation $\Delta v=\gamma$ from above to
Termwise comparison tells us that \(v_{mn}=\gamma_{mn}/\lambda_{mn}\), and
we have the desired answer,
Eigensystem of the Laplacian
The eigensystem of the Laplacian with the boundary conditions given above
is obviously given by
\phi_{mn}&=\sin\left(\pi mx/w\right)\sin\left(\pi ny/h\right),\\
and we get
\int_\Omega\left\vert\phi_{mn}\right\vert^2{\rm d}A
\int_0^w{\rm d}x\sin^2\left(\pi mx/w\right)
\int_0^h{\rm d}y\sin^2\left(\pi ny/h\right)
\int_\Omega\gamma\phi_{mn}^*{\rm d}A
\int_0^w{\rm d}x\sin\left(\pi mx/w\right)
\int_0^h{\rm d}y\sin\left(\pi ny/h\right)
\int_0^\pi{\rm d}x\sin\left(mx\right)
\int_0^\pi{\rm d}y\sin\left(ny\right)
We finally obtain
\sin\left(\pi mx/w\right)\sin\left(\pi ny/h\right).\]
Here is a plot:

Total current and resistance
The total current flowing through the surface $\Omega$ is
\rho\frac e m\int_\Omega v{\rm d}A
\rho\frac e m
\sum_{m=1}^\infty\sum_{n=1}^\infty v_{mn}
\int_0^w{\rm d}x\sin(\pi mx/w)
\int_0^h{\rm d}y\sin(\pi ny/h)
\rho\frac e m\frac{wh}{\pi^2}
\sum_{m=1}^\infty\sum_{n=1}^\infty v_{mn}
\int_0^\pi{\rm d}x\sin\left(mx\right)
\int_0^\pi{\rm d}y\sin\left(ny\right)
\rho\frac e m\frac{wh}{\pi^2}
\sum_{m=1}^\infty\sum_{n=1}^\infty v_{mn}
Terms in the expansion with either $m$ or $n$ even vanish. The first
nonvanishing term for $m=n=1$ is already a good approximation to the
double sum, so we can approximate
The resistance $R=V/I$ is thus given by
See below for a plot of the scaling of the resistivity $\rho_\text{el}:=(wh/\ell)R$ with inverse width $1/w$ and height $1/h$ of the bar (length unit $\ell$).