We give a summary of the shape of the exchange matrix.
The Yb ions are embedded in distorted octahedra. Coulomb energy on the Yb site is large (several eV), hopping of Yb $f$ electrons via Chalcogen $p$ states to neighboring Yb $f$ states generates superexchange. Instead of trying to determine the symmetry-allowed hopping matrix elements of a tight-binding Hamiltonian and from there «guess» a superexchange Hamiltonian, let’s take things simple: Our exchange Hamiltonian on an effective Yb–Yb bond needs to adhere to its local symmetry as well. The figure above shows one Yb–Yb bond formed by two adjacent distorted YbCh$_\text 6$ octahedra. One distorted octahedron is comprised of two «large» equilateral triangles with edge length $\ell$ and six «small» isosceles triangles with two edges of length $s\ne\ell$ and one edge of length $\ell$. The distorted octahedra are tilted along the Yb–Yb bond such that the large triangular faces are perpendicular to the crystallographic c direction.
By inspection, we find the following symmetries along this bond:
- C$_\text2$ along the bond,
- $\sigma_\text v$ in the middle of the bond,
- i (inversion) in the middle of the bond.
According to Moriya’s rules, the antisymmetric exchange must vanish due to the last criterion. We choose our local cartesian coordinate system such that the $x$ axis points along the Yb–Yb bond, the $y$ axis perpendicular to it in the plane spanned by the $\text{Ch}_4$ rectangle the Yb ion is centered inside, and the $z$ axis parallel to the trigonal axis of a $\text{Ch}_6$ cage. Invariance of the exchange tensor with respect to the symmetry operations above allows for maximally four independent parameters, and we obtain
for the exchange between the pseudospins on the neighboring Yb sites $i$ and $j$ along the $x$ direction. The first «average» part $J_\text{av}$ is invariant under rotations in the trigonal plane. The traceless directional-dependent part $J_\text{dd}$ is not. It is finite due to the trigonal distortion of the $\text{YbCh}_6$ octahedra. This gives the following expressions:
S_i^\alpha J_\text{av}^{\alpha\beta}S_j^\beta
+J_\parallel S_i^zS_j^z
S_i^\alpha J_\text{dd}^{\alpha\beta}(\phi)S_j^\beta
Here, $\phi=0,\pm120^\circ$ is the angle of a particular Yb–Yb bond relative to the $x$ direction. Our definition of the exchange constants is made such that it reduces to the standard XXZ model for $J_\text{dd}\equiv0$ which in turn reduces to the standard Heisenberg model for $J_\perp\equiv J_\parallel$.
Expressed with ladder operators, the full effective Hamitonian for the ground-state pseudospin doublet, including an applied magnetic field, eventually is
{\cal H}
\sum_{\left\langle ij\right\rangle}\left\{
+J_\parallel S_i^zS_j^z
\\&\phantom{=\sum_{\left\langle ij\right\rangle}}
{\rm e}^{\text i\phi_{ij}}S_i^-S_j^-
+{\rm e}^{-\text i\phi_{ij}}S_i^+S_j^+
\\&\phantom{=\sum_{\left\langle ij\right\rangle}}
+\frac1{2\rm i}J_{yz}\left[
{\rm e}^{\text i\phi_{ij}}\left(S_i^zS_j^++S_i^+S_j^z\right)
-{\rm e}^{-\text i\phi_{ij}}\left(S_i^zS_j^-+S_i^-S_j^z\right)
-\mu_0\mu_\text B\sum_i\left[
+g_\parallel H_zS_i^z
0,&\vec R_i-\vec R_j=(\pm1,0,0)\\
\vec R_i-\vec R_j=\pm\left(-\frac12,\frac{\sqrt3}2\right)\\
\vec R_i-\vec R_j=\pm\left(-\frac12,-\frac{\sqrt3}2\right)
In this representation we can verify that all three terms originating from $J_\text{av}$ all preserve the $z$ component of the total spin $s_z=\sum_is_i^z$ individually while the terms proportional to $J_\Delta$ connect states with $\Delta s_z=\pm2$, and terms proportional to $J_{yz}$ connect states with $\Delta s_z=\pm1$.