Electron correlations are the basis for a large class of magnetism. We discuss here how the resonsible magnetic exchange interaction emerges from the mutual Coulomb repulsion of electrons in a crystal lattice.
Mutual repulsion
The two-site Hubbard model demonstrates the emergence of a new low-energy scale if the mutual Coulomb repulsion $U$ of electrons is dominant. We again use the single-band Hubbard model as a basis whose Hamiltonian is
H&=U\sum_i n_{i\uparrow}n_{i\downarrow}
-\sum_{\langle ij\rangle,\sigma}t_{ij}c_{i\sigma}^\dagger c_{j\sigma},
\quad t_{ii}=0
For $t_{ij}=0$ the Hamiltonian commutes with the particle number operator, therefore we can classify the eigenstates of it according to the number of doubly occupied sites. The energy difference between a state with $M+1$ doubly occupied sites and a state with $M$ doubly occupied sites is just $U$. Therefore the ground state will be a linear combination of wavefunctions with the minimal number of double occupancies. At half filling for example each of the N lattice sites is occupied by exactly one electron and $M=0$. Because each electron carries a spin with two possible orientations, this state is $2^N$ times degenerate.
Finite kinetic energy
For $t_{ij}\ne0$, $M$ is no longer a good quantum number. However, creating a double occupancy still costs $U$, thus for small $t_{ij}$ the projection onto a subspace with constant $M$ will continue to be a good approximation. For a particle number less than or equal to $N$, we can assume $M=0$ contains the ground state and low-lying excitations.
So how can we boil down or Hamiltonian to its low-energy representation containing only these $M=0$ states? With the help of a unitary transformation
H_\text{eff}&=S^\dagger HS,\quad
S={\rm e}^A,\quad
we construct the antiunitary operator
choosing $A_i$ such that those terms changing $M$ can be eliminated recursively order by order in the above expansion [1,2,3] with
S^\dagger HS
we obtain in the $M=0$ subspace
S^\dagger HS
H_0+\lambda T_0
&+{\cal O}\left(\lambda^4\right).
Expressed with the fermion operators, to lowest order in $1/U$ we obtain
-\sum_{\langle ij\rangle\sigma}t_{ij}
{\cal P}c_{i\sigma}^\dagger c_{j\sigma}{\cal P}
&+\frac4U\sum_{\langle ij\rangle}\left|t_{ij}\right|^2
\left({\bf S}_{i}{\bf S}_{j}
&-\frac1U\sum_{\langle ijk\rangle\sigma}
{\cal P}c_{j\sigma}^\dagger
n_{k\bar{\sigma}}c_{i\sigma}{\cal P}
+{\cal P}c_{j\sigma}^\dagger c_{k\bar{\sigma}}^\dagger
c_{k\sigma}c_{i\bar{\sigma}}{\cal P}
where $\cal P$ is a projector onto states without doubly occupied sites and
\[{\bf S}_{i}=\frac12\sum_{\alpha\beta}
c_{i\alpha}^\dagger{\bf \sigma}_{\alpha\beta}c_{i\beta}\]
is the usual spin operator on site $i$. The first term in the expansion above resembles the kinetic energy and reflects the fact that an electron can only hop onto a neighboring site if this is empty, commonly called correlated hopping. The second term is comprised of a spin exchange part and a counting term with an attractive nearest-neighbor interaction. The last term of the effective Hamiltonian describes hopping processes involving three adjacent sites: An electron hops from site $i$ to site $k$, then however not back to site $i$ (that’s the spin term describing this). Rather an electron hops from site $k$ to site $j$ different from $i$, either having the same spin orientation as the "original" one or accompagnied by a spin flip.
Exchange interaction
At half filling, we have $n_i=1$, $M=0$ at each site, hopping is impossible, thus
\[H_{\text{eff}}=\sum_{\langle ij\rangle}J_{ij}
{\bf S}_{i}{\bf S}_{j}+\text{const},\quad
which is, apart from a constant, the famous Heisenberg Hamiltonian with
exchange energy $J_{ij}=4|t_{ij}|^2/U$.
To summarize, physically the impact of a finite kinetic energy of the
electrons characterized by $t_{ij}$ in the presence of large Coulomb repulsion
$U$ is thus to create spin excitations with characteristic energy $J_{ij}$
opening the door to a wide variety of truly quantum many-body phenomena, be
it magnetic order, heavy fermions, or new kinds of disordered ground
states. We shall discuss examples for these elsewhere on this site.
[1] A. B. Harris and R. V. Lange: Single-Particle Excitations in Narrow
Energy Bands. Phys. Rev. 157, 295
[2] A. H. MacDonald, S. M. Girvin, and D. Yoshioka: t/U expansion for the Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B 37, 9752 (1988).
[2] B. Schmidt: Theorie des Halbmetalls Yb4As3.
Thesis, Stuttgart
and references therein.