Many numerical applications utilize the BLAS and the LAPACK. If you compile such programs yourself, you will have to link against these libraries, which are part of the Intel Math Kernel Library, which is part of the Intel Compiler Suite installed on all cluster nodes. Of particular importance is to give the correct linking options to the compiler and Makefile, respectively. According to the Intel® Math Kernel Library Link Line Advisor, to build and dynamically link a multithreaded 64-bit executable, you should use the lines

LINK_MKL=-L$(MKL_ROOT)/lib -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -openmp -lpthread
in your Makefile and pass the variable LINK_MKL to the linker. (We assume that you are using the LP64 data model for your program here, which is the most commonly used data model and actually default on Mac OS X.) Note that you have to make sure that the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH contains $MKL_ROOT/lib or an equivalent location of the libraries.