As of this writing, Apple doesn’t provide printer drivers for HP printers on macOS 12 Monterey. However it seems that printer drivers for older macOS’s continue to work. Nonetheless Apple’s printer drivers for macOS 11 and older cannot be installed out of the box. Here is a little trick making this possible:
Download the printer drivers disk image into ~/Downloads
. Then open and do the following:
cd ~/Downloads
hdiutil attach HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.dmg
pkgutil --expand \
/Volumes/HP_PrinterSupportManual/HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.pkg \
hdiutil eject /Volumes/HP_PrinterSupportManual
Next comes the crucial line: we replace version number 12.0 by 13.0 in the Distribution
sed -i '' 's/12.0/13.0/' HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers/Distribution
It remains to create and open a new installer package:
pkgutil --flatten HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers12.pkg
open HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers12.pkg
Install the printer drivers as usual. Afterwards, you may want to remove all the HP related files and folders in ~/Downloads