Mac OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion
According to Apple’s Modern Document model, most new OS X applications handle saving changes to documents automatically. That means the “Save As…” command has disappeared and has become an alternate to the “Duplicate” command and has the shortcut ⇧⌥⌘S. However there is a trick to revert to the “old” familiar appearance of “Save As…” in the File menu. Here is how:
Open the Keyboard control panel of System Preferences, click Shortcuts, then select App Shortcuts in the list on the left-hand side.
Click the little “+” button underneath the list on the right-hand side, make sure “All Applications” is selected in the popup menu of the dialog the appears.
Type “Save As…” (three periods, not an ellipsis) in the Menu Title textbox. For system languages other than English, instead of “Save As…” type the corresponding localized string. Example: If German is the main language, the string reads “Sichern unter …” (yes, lowercase “unter” and a space between “unter” and “…”).
Click the Keyboard Shortcut field and press ⇧⌘S.
Click “Add”.
To verify that you didn’t make a mistake, close System Preferences, open Text Edit and open its File menu. In German localization, it should look like this:

Cool, Save As… is back!
Exercise: Make the “Duplicate” command an alternate to “Save As…”. Hint: Remember the default keyboard shortcut for “Save As…”?