DNS service discovery.

How to do this with Microsoft DNS server is discussed in https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ad259e27-1077-4ebb-9008-5f8aef20bf17/setting-up-bonjour-service-proxy-on-ms-dns?forum=winserverNIS. The corresponding Group Logic PDF document is WanBonjour_1.pdf

Looking up available services

To scan for available registered services, run

dns-sd -B _services._dns-sd._udp

Note that this works only for the local. mDNS domain.


To verify DNS service records, use the dns-sd command-line tool, for example

dns-sd -Z _ipp

lists all IPP print services (both mDNS and DNS-SD) in zone file format. Browsing can be done with

dns-sd -B _ipp

which just lists the available printers (their SRV records). Configuration info for a particular printer can for example be read with

dns-sd -L b1224 _ipp._tcp cpfs.mpg.de.

which returns the PTR and TXT records of the b1224 print service.

Don’t have dns-sd because you are not working on Macintosh? Then use dig:

dig _ipp._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. ptr

returns the PTR records of static DNS entries, and

dig b1224._ipp._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. any

returns the TXT and SRV records of the b1224 print service.

The host command will do as well:

host -t ptr _ipp._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de.
host -t srv b1224._ipp._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de.
host -t txt b1224._ipp._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de.

will return the PTR, TXT, and SRV records.

AFP over TCP

Find AFP servers announced my mDNS:

dig @ -p 5353 _afpovertcp._tcp.local. ptr
dig @ -p 5353 nassrv._afpovertcp._tcp.local. any

(The trick is to use the mDNS IP address and port.)

Same with DNS-SD:

dig _afpovertcp._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. ptr
dig nassrv._afpovertcp._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. ptr

Time Machine

For Time Machine records:

dig @ -p 5353 _adisk._tcp.local. ptr
dig @ -p 5353 nassrv._adisk._tcp.local. any
dig _adisk._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. ptr
dig nassrv._adisk._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. any

(first line: mDNS query, last two lines: DNS-SD queries.)


dig _smb._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. ptr
dig flsrv._smb._tcp.cpfs.mpg.de. any