The following is a slightly adapted version of a set of instructions found at Since these instructions no longer exist, a copy can be found here.
rsync is a command-line tool built-in to Mac OS X that allows you to synchronize files between two folders on a machine or between two machines on a network. rsync is an incredibly useful tool that has been used by Unix administrators for many years. Focusing on the use of rsync between two separate machines, this article describes how to configure your two machines with host-based authentication to allow for unattended backups using rsync. The instructions that follow require extensive use of the Terminal, root access (via sudo), and an installation of Apple’s Developer Tools. Root access and host-based authentication is optional if the contents of just a folder (for example your home directory, not the whole boot volume, as described here) should be backed up.
Overview of an rsync session
- Issue the rsync command with appropriate flags
- rsync opens up an SSH connection to the server (even if it is the localhost)
- The server asks your machine to authenticate. There are a few different ways to authenticate.
- Once you have successfully authenticated, rsync runs on the server in server mode, sending the requested data to the instance of rsync on the client machine.
- The connection is closed when the process has completed.
Overview of the setup process
On the client and server
I strongly encourage you to use rsync 3.0.5 or greater for Tiger and Leopard. The version of rsync that Apple ships with Tiger and Leopard does not perform as well as rsync 3.0.5, consumes more memory (especially for transfers of many files), and will copy unmodified resource forks every single time. This article will describe the use of rsync 3.0.5, therefore the command-line arguments may be incompatible with the Apple-supplied rsync.
- Download the source to rsync 3.0.5 and compile it on both the client and server
On the client(s)
- Create authentication keys on the client
- Copy the client’s public key to the server’s authorized_keys file
- Create a script to automate rsync
- Create a LaunchDaemon to run the script at regular intervals
On the server
- Create an rsync wrapper script to limit the access of the client
- Modify the authorized_keys file to limit the client’s access to the wrapper script only
Compile rsync
Follow the instructions found at
Create authentication keys
First, determine if you already have authentication keys. In the Terminal, run:
If you see “id_dsa” and “”, then you can skip the rest of this section. If not: On the client machine, run the following in the Terminal:
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa -C "your comment"
This generates the public and private key in ~/.ssh: id_dsa and Specifying a machine-specific comment at this step will be helpful for the management of authorized keys that you’ll copy to your remote host. Replace “your comment” with something useful, like the IP address or hostname of the machine on which the key was created. The public key is the “fingerprint” of the private key. Whenever you try to authenticate to another host, the remote machine will use your public key (which you need to copy over to the remote machine first, I’ll describe that in a bit) to verify the temporary key that ssh generates on the fly based on your private key. The public key can be used to verify that the temporary key could only have been generated by the same private key that generated the public key. If you entered a passphrase when you created your keys, you will be required to enter this passphrase when you try to authenticate (which is why using passphrases won’t work with an unattended script). The beauty of using public key authentication is that it is more secure because the encryption is more difficult to break than a password and you never transfer a password over the network. Next, the (the public authentication key) needs to be added to the “~/.ssh/authorized_keys” file on the machine you intend to back up to (e.g. the “server”).
Create or update the authorized_keys files
Now we need to copy the client’s public key to the server’s authorized_keys file. We can do this several ways, but the easiest is with a simple Terminal command that appends the public key to the list of authorized keys:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@remote_address 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
where “user” is your username on the server. If you do this multiple times, you’ll get multiple copies of your public key in the server’s authorized_keys file. While this is harmless, it isn’t a good practice, so consider editing that file manually to prune out old keys.
(Optionally) Limit the remote client’s access to rsync only
If you want to limit use of the public key authentication method to only certain commands, you can implement a wrapper script that ssh will execute prior to running the requested command. I use this script to limit ssh command requests to only rsync.
To implement this wrapper script, we will copy the wrapper script to /private/etc on the server, then we will modify the authorized_keys file of the user that we are using to authenticate on the server.
cd ~/.ssh
pico authorized_keys
Position the cursor at the beginning of the file and enter:
Save and close the file.
Run rsync manually to test your settings
A complete description of all the options to rsync 3.0.5 is outside of the scope of this article. The following is a command that will perform an incremental backup of your home filesystem to the folder Backup/MyClient in the home folder on your server:
/usr/local/bin/rsync -aNHAXx --protect-args --fileflags --force-change --rsync-path="/usr/local/bin/rsync" $HOME user@remote_address:Backup/MyClient
Create a LaunchDaemon to automate rsync
A LaunchDaemon can be used to automate using rsync for unattended backups, synchronization, or updates. Here is an article on on that topic.